„Wie Feministinnen versucht haben, die Familie zu zerstören“
Was macht eigentlich Erin Pizzey, die Begründerin der Frauenhausbewegung, mittlerweile? Zum Beispiel schreibt sie Artikel wie diesen für die Daily Mail.
Auch hier ein Auszug:
With the first donation we received in 1972, we employed a male playgroup leader because we felt our children needed the experience of good, gentle men. We devised a treatment programme for women who recognised that they, too, were violent and dysfunctional. And we concentrated on children hurt by violence and sexual abuse. Yet the feminist refuges continued to create training programmes that described only male violence against women. Slowly, the police and other organisations were brainwashed into ignoring the research that was proving men could also be victims. Despite attacks in the Press from feminist journalists and threatening anonymous telephone calls, I continued to argue that violence was a learned pattern of behaviour from early childhood. When, in the mid-Eighties, I published Prone To Violence, about my work with violence-prone women and their children, I was picketed by hundreds of women from feminist refuges, holding placards which read: "All men are bastards" and "All men are rapists". Because of violent threats, I had to have a police escort around the country.
Der Kampf gegen häusliche Gewalt war anscheinend auf einem ganz guten Weg, bevor er unter die Feministinnen gefallen ist.
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Labels: Feminismus, häusliche Gewalt