Mittwoch, April 22, 2009

Präsident Obama aufgefordert, sich auch Jungen und Männern zu widmen

Vor einigen Wochen hatte US-Präsident Barack Obama ein White House Council für Mädchen und Frauen eingerichtet, was ihm angesichts der Situation vieler Jungen und Männer einiges an Kritik einbrachte. Jetzt fordert ihn eine der führenden Männergruppen in den Vereinigten Staaten auch in dieser Hinsicht zu mehr Gleichberechtigung auf:

One of the leading organizations of men in America has asked President Obama to create a White House Council on Men and Boys.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., the world’s oldest collegiate Greek-lettered organization of African-Americans recently wrote the president a letter encouraging him to create the council after Mr. Obama formally established the White House Council on Women and Girls.

“Mr. President, we are keenly aware of the challenges that face women and girls. However, we believe a focus must also be placed on men and boys,” wrote the Rev. Herman “Skip” Mason, Jr., general president of Alpha. “As a father of a six-year old son and an eight-year old daughter, like you I want to make sure that there are well-educated, responsible and community-oriented men for them to look up to as they grow and develop.”

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