Vermischtes vom 16. Oktober 2015
Die neueste Falschbeschuldigung: Fünf bis sieben syrische Flüchtlinge sollen eine 17jährige vergewaltigt haben. Die Lüge wurde von einer Frau in einer Facebookgruppe aufgestellt, in der gegen Flüchtlinge Stimmung gemacht und zur Teilnahme an Pegida-Demonstrationen aufgerufen wird.
Währenddessen nimmt die Debatte um politische Korrektheit im feministischen Sinne an Schärfe zu. "Ist der Feminismus zu einem reaktionären Vehikel geworden, das Staatsinteressen wie Zensur und Inhaftierung durchsetzt?" fragt die Organisation Wikileaks auf Twitter. In einem weiteren Tweet macht die Plattform auf das Problem aufmerksam, das Feministinnen mit Meinungsfreiheit haben.
Ein britischer Student, George Lawlor, nimmt sich diese Meinungsfreiheit. Er sieht nicht ein, dass er an einem Workshop über die Notwendigkeit der Freiwilligkeit beim Sex teilnehmen soll. In einem Artikel darüber führt er aus:
To be invited to such a waste of time was the biggest insult I’ve received in a good few years. It implies I have an insufficient understanding of what does and does not constitute consent and that’s incredibly hurtful. I can’t stress that enough.
I feel as if I’m taking the "wrong" side here, but someone has to say it – I don’t have to be taught to not be a rapist. That much comes naturally to me, as I am sure it does to the overwhelming majority of people you and I know. Brand me a bigot, a misogynist, a rape apologist, I don’t care. I stand by that.
(...) I’m not denying there have been tragic cases of rape and abuse on campuses in the past, but do you really think the kind of people who lacks empathy, respect and human decency to the point where they’d violate someone’s body is really going to turn up to a consent lesson on a university campus? They won’t. The only people who’ll turn up will be people who (surprise, surprise) already know when it’s okay to shag someone. No new information will be taught or learned. It will just be an echo chamber of people pointing out the obvious and others nodding along, thinking the whole time thinking that they’ve saved the world.
Das Ergebnis einer derart klaren Ansage ist natürlich der unvermeidliche Shitstorm auf Twitter von genau jener selbstgerechten Fraktion, die Lawlor angesprochen hat. Der Independent berichtet über die Anfeindungen:
However, the student’s piece didn’t go down well with a lot of people who took to Twitter to blast him for his outlook, with one male user writing: “George Lawlor, you are a f*****g idiot, and your article is offensive to women and an embarrassment to men.” And the tweets didn’t stop there (...)
Shortly after Lawlor’s article surfaced, Warwick’s women’s officer and one of the organisers of the ‘I Heart Consent’ workshops, Josie Throup, also took to The Tab to write how she was angry at reading Lawlor’s piece, adding how she was not sorry her workshop made him feel uncomfortable. (...) Making reference to the sign Lawlor held up in his picture which accompanied the article – and counteracting with a similar one of her own – Throup added: “He took a picture with a sign, proclaiming ‘This is not what a rapist looks like’, when the truth is, it is."
Schließlich muss doch jeder denkende Mensch einsehen, wie wichtig solche Lehrveranstaltungen sind. Die USA sind da schon weiter. Dort wird inzwischen Zehntklässlern beigebracht, dass ein Sexpartner alle zehn Minuten einwilligen muss, damit es keine Vergewaltigung ist. Das ist doch wenigstens mal eine klare Richtlinie. Komischerweise sind die Schüler, denen man solche Dinge beibringt, immer noch verwirrt. Wir brauchen mehr Workshops.
Allerdings sind auch immer mehr ursprünglich linke Frauen von der grassierenden Politischen Korrektheit angefressen. Die Bloggerin Rachel Edwards etwa befindet:
I never thought the day would come when I would cease to call myself a democrat. I had always felt that the left was the realm of thinkers, free speech, and human rights. My whole life, I found myself railing against the religious right. In my mind they wanted to take away all the rights and freedoms that women have achieved.
(...) So much has been done in the interest of helping women, minorities, and the LGBT community. I dared not question any of it. Why would I? I’ve never hated anyone, and it’s never been in my interest to police the personal lives of others. But then I started noticing something alarming. It came slowly at first, and then crept into my life bit by bit.
What I noticed was that the things I supported, like respecting people of different cultures and sexual orientations, were no longer optional. People began bullying others for not being tolerant enough, or for merely asking what could be perceived as stupid questions about gender identity. I saw people walking on eggshells, petrified of stepping out of line.
This was not what I signed up for, when I supported the idea of basic human rights for everyone. This is not what I imagined when I thought about ending racism, sexism, and general bigotry. I never imagined that the things that make us different would be weaponized and used as a means of silencing different beliefs and ideas.
Far more alarming was the fact that I realized that so many were not alarmed or upset about this. They were content to bully the religious as long as they were christian or Jewish. They were fine to push out those who were skeptical about feminist policies. They were fine not asking questions about how we would make the world safe for women and minorities, without taking away more individual freedoms.
I started noticing that people were shouting about things they didn’t fully understand themselves. But they did so anyway to be perceived as that certain kind of nice and progressive person.
(...) But the thing that disgusted me most of all was the realization that none of these people are tolerant at all. The left has not become more understanding or open minded. Instead they just found new people to hate. They shifted the hatred, distrust, and resentment that was once focused on minorities, and redirected it to groups that it’s become socially acceptable to hate.
Now it is 100% okay to hate men, white people, the cisgendered, the religious (excluding islam), and anyone that doesn’t vote democrat. If you don’t believe me, try starting a conversation with I can’t stand ______, and insert one of the groups I’ve mentioned above, and watch the hatred flow forth from people.
You simply could not say any of these things about black people, muslims, members of the LGBT community, or women. If you started a conversation with that sentence and spoke about any of the groups I just mentioned, you could easily find yourself without a job or with a hate mob at your door.
This is the hypocrisy of the left, and it turns my stomach to see this happen. As this feeling of disgust crept in I found that I no longer had a place among those that called themselves progressive. They were as hateful, hypocritical and bigoted as those on the far right.
Zuletzt wieder der Blick ins nicht-angelsächsische Ausland:
In Schweden wurde inzwischen die offenbar weltweit erste Notfallklinik für vergewaltigte Männer eröffnet, über deren Planung Genderama Anfang des Jahres berichtete.
Und in Argentinien stürmten militante Feministinnen wieder eine kirchliche Veranstaltung:
One year ago, this video showed the violent protest by feminists who tried to break into the Cathedral. Catholics, almost all men, were hit, cursed, spat on and had paint sprayed in their eyes, as last year’s video shows.
This year, the crowd seems to be much bigger at the Cathedral of Mar Del Plata. The feminists physically attacked the Catholics and threw garbage on them. Flowers on the stairs were ripped off and also thrown on the Catholics. They also assaulted the police, which this year gave some protection to the Argentinian Catholics. (...) According to the lifesitenews, the feminists also tried to set fire to the cathedral.
Auch die Catholic News Agency berichtet.
Es wird immer schwerer, im Kopf zu behalten, dass wir Männerrechtler eine gewaltige Bedrohung darstellen und Feministinnen friedliche Engel der Toleranz.
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