Montag, November 14, 2016

Vermischtes vom 14. November

Der Staat möchte die Rechte sogenannter Kuckucksväter stärken – doch was deutet darauf hin, dass dies wirklich geschieht?

Die Zeit hat genauer hingeschaut.

2. "Ich bin eine junge, gebildete Frau und habe Trump gewählt" betitelt der Schweizer Tages-Anzeiger einen Artikel über die Wählerinnen des neuen US-Präsidenten.

3. "Wach auf, Australien, der Feminismus gewinnt keine Wählerinnen" schreibt Miranda Devine:

Exit polls show 53 per cent of white women in total chose Trump over Hillary Clinton, and 62 per cent of white women without a degree.

They know how unfair it is that the men they love have been cast as the arch villains of Clinton’s elitist brand of feminism, castigated for enjoying patriarchal “white male privilege” when their jobs are gone, social norms destroyed and their children are dying of drug overdoses.

But Australia’s misogyny crowd are slow learners. They are the ones who keep pretending that domestic violence is the domain of "white male privilege", and that affluent feminists are its primary victims.

4. Währenddessen wird auf einer Protestveranstaltung gegen Trump der Slogan "Rape Melania" in die Höhe gehalten, ohne dass sich einer der umstehenden Demonstranten daran zu stören scheint. Man kann sich den medialen Furor vorstellen, wenn Trump-Anhänger zur Vergewaltigung von Michelle Obama aufgerufen hätten.

Politicians blame a new "gender equal" snow plowing policy for the Swedish capital of Stockholm’s failure to clear roads during the season’s first snow fall.

Stockholm’s center-left government introduced a new "gender equal" approach to clearing the roads of snow last year. The policy states that sidewalks, public transport and bicycle lanes should be cleared before turning attention to the roads. The reason is that women are more likely to use sidewalks while men are overrepresented among commuters driving to work.

When the first major snow storm swept the capital last week, traffic went into a standstill as no one cleared the streets. People couldn’t get to work, schools had to close and commuters were stuck in traffic for hours without moving.

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