Vermischtes vom 6. März 2016
1. Christian Schmidt bespricht heute die Aspekte, die den Feminismus zu einer verschrobenen Sekte machen.
2. Dazu gehören vielleicht auch immer neue Pseudowissenschaften wie "feministische Gletscherkunde".
3. Derweil fordern junge liberale Politiker in Schweden ein Abtreibungsrecht auch für Männer:
Men who don’t want to become fathers should be permitted to have a "legal abortion" up to the 18th week of a woman’s pregnancy, say the young liberals.
The cut-off date coincides with the last week in which a woman can terminate a pregnancy in Sweden.
"This means a man would renounce the duties and rights of parenthood," LUF Väst chairman Marcus Nilsen told The Local.
By signing up for a "legal abortion" then, a man would not have to pay maintenance for his child, but neither would he have any right to meet the child.
The group believes "legal abortion" for men would promote equality between the sexes in the early stages of a pregnancy, giving men a chance to opt out. Women would also benefit if they knew from the get-go whether a man was willing to commit to parenthood, the young liberals say.
(...) Some social media users have welcomed the plan but many have ridiculed it and Nilsen said the group had received a flurry of threats.
"One man wrote on Facebook that all our members should be put against a wall and shot."
(...) Johanna Frändén, a popular sports writer, was a lot more welcoming.
“I think I’m of the view that this is actually quite sensible,” she wrote on Twitter.
(...) Ivar Arpi, an influential leader writer with the Svenska Dagbladet daily, disagreed.
"No, men shouldn’t be able to have legal abortions. Men should take responsibility for their children. Period."
Much of the criticism accused the young Liberals of misogyny, something Nilsen was quick to reject.
"This motion was actually put forward at our annual meeting by a group of girls," he said.
Nilsen added that the group was unlikely to take the plan any further.
"It’s something we thought was worthy of debate but the reactions have been overwhelmingly conservative, with a lot of people viewing it as an attack on the nuclear family. We have other issues we're prioritizing such as housing and employment."
Wir haben also das alte Problem, dass mehr Rechte für Männer von Linken und von Konservativen bekämpft werden. Eigentlich sind beide Lager zutiefst überzeugt davon, dass es die Aufgabe von Männern ist, Frauen zu versorgen – man ist sich nur uneinig darüber, ob das über die Struktur der Familie oder über die Struktur staatlicher und wirtschaftlicher Institutionen geschehen soll.
4. Im indischen Mumbai tötete eine Frau ihren Partner, nachdem er ihr in angetrunkenem Zustand den Sex verweigerte. Sie überschüttete ihn mit Kerosin und warf dann ein brennendes Streichholz auf ihn. Jetzt reduzierte der Oberste Gerichtshof ihre Strafe von lebenslänglich auf zehn Jahre. Die Täterin habe sich in keiner "grausamen oder ungewöhnlichen Weise" verhalten.
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