Vermischtes vom 6. November 2015
Der linke Maskulist Leszek hat eine Liste von sinnvollen feministischen Anliegen zusammengestellt – samt einer Kritik, warum sie im derzeitigen Feminismus falsch umgesetzt werden. Die Liste ist vermutlich nicht einmal vollständig, wenn ich etwa an das Thema "Frauen in den Medien" denke, wo ja z.B. in Comics und TV-Serien erst aktuell eine Abkehr von der klassischen Männerfixiertheit stattfindet. (Aber das wäre ein sehr langer Exkurs, den man mit vielen Beispielen belegen müsste.) Leszeks Beitrag würde meines Erachtens in einen Reader mit den besten Texten zu Maskulismus und Feminismuskritik gehören.
Ich schreibe Sätze wie den letzten offen gesagt deshalb, damit ich diese Texte durch den Suchbegriff "Reader" leichter finde, wenn ich tatsächlich einmal die Muße habe, so ein Buch zu erstellen. :-)
In den USA kritisiert die republikanische Präsidentschaftskandidatin Carly Fiorina den Feminismus scharf:
"Feminism began as a rallying cry to empower women – to vote, to get an education, to enter the workplace. But over the years, feminism has devolved into a left-leaning political ideology where women are pitted against men and used as a political weapon to win elections," the Republican presidential candidate wrote on Facebook Thursday.
Fiorina has frequently compared the familiar 'pull yourself up by your bootstraps' philosophy, which she claims enabled her rise from secretary to chief executive of Hewlett-Packard, to contemporary feminism, which tends to emphasize instances of women's oppression and has developed a reputation of intolerance toward dissenters.
"Being empowered means having a voice. But ideological feminism shuts down conversation – on college campuses and in the media," Fiorina wrote Thursday. "If you are a man – or a woman — who doesn't believe the litanies of the left, then you are 'waging a war on women' or offensive as a candidate, as I have been called."'
Warum geht es in Ordnung, Männergruppen an Universitäten zu diskriminieren? fragt die kanadische Journalistin Robyn Urback:
This year, a new group of students at Ryerson again attempted to start a men’s issues group on campus, only to be shut down last week by the RSU, which cited concerns about "systemic privilege," "associations with external organizations" and "safety." Among the union’s principal apprehensions was the possibility that "certain speakers and events could cause an unsafe learning environment for woman-identified students” and that the applicants haven’t arranged for “proper safety measures to prevent the group from spinning out of control."
This logic is — needless to say — nearly as bizarre as it is offensive. Would the RSU deny club status to a group of Muslim students trying to create a club on campus out of concern that the group might "spin out of control"? What if the club made Jewish students uncomfortable?
The difference when it comes to men’s groups is that there is a mirage of a consensus on campus. Reacting to the prospect of a Ryerson men’s issues club, an organizer with Ryerson’s Feminist Collective echoed the union’s concerns to the student newspaper, saying, "We’ve had women say that they don’t feel safe on their campus and they don’t want to come to their classes." Another called the possibility "horrifying," adding, "I don’t see the benefit of having them on campus."
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