Dienstag, November 03, 2015

Vermischtes vom 3. November 2015

Der dauergeile Muslim. Das ist der Schrecken des Abendlands. Mit der Zahl der Flüchtlinge wächst der fremdenfeindliche Reflex. Ganz vorne: die Angst vor den jungen, aggressiven Männern mit den dunklen Augen.

Zu Hause unterdrücken sie ihre eigenen Frauen. Jetzt bedrohen sie unsere. Betonung auf "unsere". Da lässt sich von linken Emanzen bis zu rechten Pöblern eine erstaunliche Einigkeit herstellen in Einwanderungs-Deutschland.

Hier geht es weiter mit dem Artikel von Jakob Augstein über die Einigkeit von Lutz Bachmanns Pegida und Alice Schwarzers "Emma", wenn es um männliche Flüchtlinge geht. Zum selben Thema bloggt heute auch der Stadtmensch.

Anne Wizorek beantwortet die Frage, wie sehr der Pöbel eigentlich nervt, wenn Ihre Hoheit auf Ausritt geht: Sind Maskulisten und Antifeministen ein Problem im Internet?

Die von dem britischen Abgeordneten Philip Davies ausgelöste Debatte um Männeranliegen als Teil der politischen Tagesordnung ist noch nicht vorüber. Der "Telegraph" hat Davies dazu interviewt: Politische Korrektheit schadet den Männern. Ein Auszug:

"A dozen Tory MPs and three from the DUP signed my motion. They were very keen that there should be a debate on these things. The only great resistance seemed to come from Jess. What on earth are people doing in Parliament if they are scared of having a debate?"

Davies finds this "profoundly sad" and insists there is a "significant" appetite to discuss men’s issues in the chambers, arguing that if new statistics showed it was white, Asian or black women that were significantly underperforming at school or killing themselves, swift action would be taken.

"In many cases, working class, white males feel abandoned by the system," he says. "Very few people are prepared to speak for them and that’s a very serious issue. When people don’t feel somebody is speaking up for them, they vote for extremist parties, or they don’t vote at all. It’s very, very sad. The Labour Party have abandoned them and I think they now speak up for an Islington, metropolitan, politically-correct elite and my view is that Ms Philips’ reaction perfectly epitomises how the Labour Party have abandoned any pretense of wanting to represent white, working-class men."

Warum erinnert mich das jetzt an diverse linke Parteien in Deutschland?

Währenddessen wird Feminismus zum Unterrichtsthema an Australiens Schulen - und da die Unterrichtsmaterialen von Feministinnen stammen, darf man keine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dieser Ideologie erwarten:

Designed to correlate with the Victorian curriculum, it's split over 30 lessons. Topics covered include objectification, gender equality's ties to domestic violence, media representations of gender, statistical breakdowns around the pay gap, and female visibility in sport.

Komischerweise sind männliche Schüler davon nicht hingerissen und begeistert, was aber natürlich nur zeigt, wie gemein sie sind und wie wichtig es ist, sie feministisch zu erziehen:

Students taking the course are asked to reflect on their experience of objectification, compare images of famous men and women in the media, deconstruct sexist cartoons, and debunk "hairy armpit" myths about feminists.

They explore the term "patriarchy", and examine statistics on the gender wage gap, violence against women, and female representation in sport.

"We're trying to get young men and women to think a bit more critically about the sorts of sexist behaviours they might either engage in or see on a daily basis," says O'Keeffe, who is also preparing to tour Victorian schools to offer an introductory class.

(...) The students were angry that good friends were falling victim to eating disorders; that white middle class men dominated their reading lists; that objectifying images of girls they knew were circulating on Facebook; and that they were being branded "feminazis" on social media.

The collective also faced opposition in the playground, Stella says. Male students argued that they should form a "men's rights collective" to protect themselves against the feminists.

"It got increasingly aggressive," says Stella. "And these are lovely people ... I tried to stay calm, but when I left, I just about to burst out into tears, because these were a couple of my really good friends who had just yelled at me, for simply saying that I want rights."

Natürlich lässt sich argumentieren, dass Feminismus in den Schulen der westlichen Gesellschaft schon immer Teil der herrschenden Lehre war. Das berühmte Statement der Literatur-Nobelpreisträgerin Doris Lessing ist inzwischen 14 Jahre alt:

"I was in a class of nine- and 10-year-olds, girls and boys, and this young woman was telling these kids that the reason for wars was the innately violent nature of men. You could see the little girls, fat with complacency and conceit while the little boys sat there crumpled, apologising for their existence, thinking this was going to be the pattern of their lives."

Lessing said the teacher tried to "catch my eye, thinking I would approve of this rubbish".

She added: "This kind of thing is happening in schools all over the place and no one says a thing. It has become a kind of religion that you can't criticise because then you become a traitor to the great cause, which I am not. It is time we began to ask who are these women who continually rubbish men. The most stupid, ill-educated and nasty woman can rubbish the nicest, kindest and most intelligent man and no one protests."

An Australiens Schulen zieht man die Damenschrauben für Jungen derzeit fester an. Und wer derart ideologisierten Unterricht kritisch hinterfragt, sollte sich schämen, weil er Mädchen zum Weinen bringt.

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