Montag, März 09, 2009

"Hört auf, der Jungenkrise auszuweichen"

Wie ähnlich die Jungenproblematik diesseits und jenseits des Atlantiks aussieht, belegt ein aktueller amerikanischer Artikel, in dem der Autor auf genau jenen Aspekt zu sprechen kommt, mit dem ich auch "Rettet unsere Söhne" eröffnet habe: den bizarren Umstand, dass der offensichtlichste Aspekt der Bildungskrise, nämlich die Situation unserer Jungen, in dieser Debatte weitgehend ausgeklammert wird und bestenfalls als ein "Sonderthema" gilt:

'Interestingly, however, there's something all these groups studiously avoid talking about. These U.S. education numbers look bad primarily because the schools are failing boys. For the most part, those awful high school graduation numbers are driven by boys, not girls (32 percent of boys drop out, compared to 25 percent of girls). And the lackluster college graduation rates are due primarily to men floundering in college (men earn about 42 percent of four-year degrees). Given that men are far more likely to major in math and science – a special worry for the technical industries - the chamber should be particularly concerned about men falling behind. (…)

Higher education leaders, who feel they are blameless in the boy troubles and have reaped the benefits of ever-rising numbers of female applicants, look the other way. That is proving to be a mistake. High-tuition second and third-tier private colleges that tolerated significant gender imbalances are now under stress from the recession. Today, they may be wishing they had stepped forward to try to solve the male college pipeline problem, which goes well beyond poor and minority boys.

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