Montag, August 21, 2017

Gender: "Die Glaubensgemeinschaft schlägt zurück" – News vom 21. August 2017

1. In dem Beitrag "Die Glaubensgemeinschaft schlägt zurück" des politischen Magazins CICERO beschäftigt sich Alexander Grau mit dem Backlash der Gender-Fraktion gegen diejenigen, die ihre Lehre in Frage stellen. Dabei kommt Grau vor allem auf die Rolle zu sprechen, die die politischen Stiftungen der Grünen sowie der SPD dabei spielen. Zu der Pro-Gender-Broschüre der SPD-nahen Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung etwa merkt er an:

Wer jedoch mit den Begriffen "Wissenschaft" und "Ideologie" Schindluder betreibt, der verheddert sich schnell in seiner eigenen Terminologie. So kann man auf der schon zitierten Seite weiter lesen: "Geschlechterforschung betreibt Wissenschaftskritik, weil der Blick der Wissenschaften von einer männlichen und weißen Perspektive ausgeht und damit zumeist blind bleibt für Geschlecht und andere Perspektiven."

Doch schon auf der nächsten Seite wird der verblüffte Leser mit Blick auf den hohen Frauenanteil in der Geschlechterforschung informiert: "Objektivität hängt nicht vom Geschlecht der Forschenden ab, sondern von deren Fähigkeit zur (Selbst-)Reflexion." Wir lernen: Von Frauen betriebene Gender-Studies sind objektiv, von Männern betriebene Wissenschaft hingegen nicht, da diese von der männlichen Perspektive eingetrübt wird. Aha. Diese Nonsense-Qualität zieht sich wie ein roter Faden durch die gesamte Broschüre.

2. Auf den Seiten eines Wissenschaftsblogs setzt sich jetzt auch Stephan Schleim mit den kruden Thesen Birgit Gärtners über das Google-Memo James Damores auseinander. Dabei kommt er auch auf Cassie Jayes Männerrechtler-Doku "The Red Pill" zu sprechen.

3. Auf Telepolis kommentiert Markus Kompa die aktuell noch einmal von SPD-Kanzlerkandidaten Martin Schulz gestreute Behauptung, 21 Prozent weniger Gehalt für Frauen seien empörend. Zuvor hatte schon die Chefredakteurin der "Bild am Sonntag" die SPD für ihre ihre irreführende Wahlkampfreklame zur Rede gestellt. Auch ein Faktencheck des Bayrischen Rundfunks stellte der SPD kein gutes Zeugnis für dieses Manöver aus.

4. Der grüne Pranger ist tot, die Debatte darüber will noch immer nicht sterben. Für die "taz" äußert sich jetzt auch noch mal Friedrich Küppersbusch dazu:

"Agent*in" ist offline, "weil die gewählte Form die gesellschaftspolitische Debatte über Antifeminismus überlagert". Oder sagen wir mal Schnaps- bis Klosterfrauidee, unter dem Namen Heinrich Bölls eine Stiftung zu betreiben, die Prangerpublizistik finanziert, deren prominentestes Opfer in Deutschland Heinrich Böll war. Wir hatten hier in Dortmund verschiedentlich "Spaziergänge" von Nazis zu den privaten Wohnungen prominenter Grüner und Sozis; da kommt man schon auf schlimme Ideen, außer: nachmachen.

5. Mit TV-Serien wie "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer" gilt Joss Whedon als einer der feministischsten Autoren in Film und Fernsehen. Jetzt packt seine ehemalige Partnerin aus, wie Whedon den Feminismus für sich instrumentalisierte:

There were times in our relationship that I was uncomfortable with the attention Joss paid other women. He always had a lot of female friends, but he told me it was because his mother raised him as a feminist, so he just liked women better. (...) Fifteen years later, when he was done with our marriage and finally ready to tell the truth, he wrote me, "When I was running ‘Buffy,’ I was surrounded by beautiful, needy, aggressive young women." (...) Joss admitted that for the next decade and a half, he hid multiple affairs and a number of inappropriate emotional ones that he had with his actresses, co-workers, fans and friends, while he stayed married to me.

(...) Despite understanding, on some level, that what he was doing was wrong, he never conceded the hypocrisy of being out in the world preaching feminist ideals, while at the same time, taking away my right to make choices for my life and my body based on the truth. He deceived me for 15 years, so he could have everything he wanted. I believed, everyone believed, that he was one of the good guys, committed to fighting for women’s rights, committed to our marriage, and to the women he worked with. But I now see how he used his relationship with me as a shield, both during and after our marriage, so no one would question his relationships with other women or scrutinize his writing as anything other than feminist.

Ich habe auf Genderama immer wieder über Männer berichtet, die nach außen hin als 150-prozentige Feministen aufgetreten sind, deren Verhältnis zu Frauen in Wahrheit aber hochproblematisch war – in der Regel weit schlimmere Fälle als diesen. Meiner Einschätzung nach gibt es hier ein häufig wiederkehrendes psychologisches Muster.

Der Artikel von Whedons Ex wird aktuell in zig Medien zitiert, beispielsweise der britischen Daily Mail und dem NME sowie popkulturellen Plattformen wie dem AV Club und Vulture. Ein PC-Game-Blog kommentiert:

Articles like the one on the Daily Dot back in November of 2014 outlined how Whedon reproached #GamerGate as a misogynist campaign; and even more ironically, Birth.Movies.Death also did an article praising Whedon for attacking #GamerGate back in April of 2015. What’s so ironic about it? Because the article was written by former editor-in-chief at Birth.Movies.Death, Devin Faraci, another male feminist who had to resign after allegations of sexual assault surfaced.

This has become a lurid trend among anti-#GamerGate critics and male feminists, including a NeoGaf moderator who was arrested for his child porn addiction, and a former Forbes contributor named Matt Hickey, who claimed to be a male feminist and anti-#GamerGate critic, but was arrested and charged for raping multiple women.

There was also another journalist who facilitated the language of a feminist ally and was an anti-#GamerGate critic, however he who was arrested for cyberstalking his ex-girlfriend and for harassing and threatening her with violence.

6. In dem Daily-Mail-Artikel Women NEED diamond rings - it makes hitting men easier erklärt die Kolumnistin Liz Jones, warum Männer Frauen auch im Zeitalter der Gleichberechtigung noch teure Eheringe kaufen sollten:

What is it about modern mankind that makes them think they can have us for nothing? Men might think it charming and romantic to offer something out of a cracker, or a piece of string. It is, as long as you’re 19 and can back it up with something real later. If you are a grown man on a salary, you should be ashamed of yourself.

And don’t cite Engagement Ring Terror as a life raft while you sink beneath our disappointment, saying: 'Oh, well, you’re so damn fussy, anything I choose for you would be wrong.' How about just going into Tiffany and asking for help? Keep the receipt, as long as it has enough zeros, and we can always change it later. It’s the bought that counts. (...) If a man cannot be bothered to spend at least a month’s salary on a ring, he is not really serious about the whole shebang. (...) There must be one advantage to being female. We do everything else.

7. Ein Beitrag auf "In Public Safety", einer Experten-Website der American Military University, beschäftigt sich mit der fehlenden Forschung, was männliche Überlebende sexueller Gewalt angeht:

One in six boys are sexually abused before the age of 16 — yet the issue remains underreported, undertreated, and highly stigmatized.

Wie die wenige existierende Forschung zeigt, schadet dieses Desinteresse der Gesellschaft insgesamt:

In fact, male adolescents who were sexually abused are three to five times more likely to engage in delinquency. Behavioral problems include, but are not limited to, physical aggression, non-compliance, and oppositional defiance. This is what we refer to as "victim turned perpetrator" in which past abuse can contribute to future delinquent and criminal acts. This is not to suggest that past victims of sexual abuse will lead a future life of crime, but it does place victims at an increased risk; therefore, early intervention is critical.

A 2009 research study concluded that male prisoners have higher rates of past child sexual abuse victimization when compared to those who have never been incarcerated. Once again, this validates the notion that past childhood sexual victimization could lead to significant behavioral problems in which victimization is a pathway into criminality.

8. In der US-amerikanischen Tageszeitung "Politico" zeigen sich Greg Lukianoff und Nico Perrino alarmiert über die aktuelle Bedrohung der Redefreiheit:

If your social media newsfeed doesn’t provide ample anecdotal evidence that free speech is suffering a public relations crisis, look to the polling: A recent Knight Foundation study found that fewer than 50 percent of high school students think that people should be free to say things that are offensive to others.

The New York Times opinion page, for its part, has run three columns since April questioning the value of free speech for all, the most recent imploring the ACLU to "rethink free speech" — the same ACLU that at the height of Nazism, Communism and Jim Crow in 1940 released a leaflet entitled, "Why we defend civil liberty even for Nazis, Fascists and Communists." The ACLU of Virginia carried on this honorable tradition of viewpoint-neutral free speech defense in the days before the Charlottesville protests. However, the Wall Street Journal reported this week that the ACLU "will no longer defend hate groups seeking to march with firearms."

And how is the birthplace of the 1960s free speech movement faring? In the wake of the riots that shut down alt-right provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos’ speech at the University of California, Berkeley on February 1, multiple students and alumni wrote that the violence and destruction of the Antifa protests were a form of "self-defense" against the "violence" of Yiannopoulos’ speech. Watching videos of the protest, it is fortunate nobody was killed.

What’s to account for this shift? One of our theories is that this generation of students comprises the children of students who went to college during the first great age of campus speech codes that spanned from the late 1980s through the early 90s. This is when colleges and universities first began writing over-broad and vague policies to regulate allegedly racist and sexist speech. Although that movement failed in the court of law, these codes have stubbornly persisted, and the view that freedom of speech is the last refuge of the "three Bs" — the bully, the bigot and the robber baron — found a home in classrooms.

When we speak on college campuses, our explanations of the critical role the First Amendment played in ensuring the success of the civil rights movement, the women’s rights movement and the gay rights movement are often met with blank stares. At a speech at Brown University, in fact, a student laughed when Greg pointed out that Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall was a steadfast defender of freedom of speech –– as if it were impossible for a black icon of the civil rights movement to be a free-speech champion.

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