Der wahre Konflikt: Frauen gegen Frauen – Vermischtes vom 30. Januar 2017
1. Das Blog "Geschlechterallerlei" kommentiert den Umstand, dass ausgerechnet die männerhassende SPD schon wieder keinen weiblichen Kanzlerkandidaten finden konnte.
2. Der britische Spectator berichtet über einen Kulturkampf zwischen Frauen, etwa sobald es um die Abtreibungsfrage geht:
You’d think, looking at an event like this, that there was a sort of culture war in which women were set in conflict with the patriarchy, represented by the three-times married president. Lots of women were marching for the right to have abortions, for instance, and this came as the new president reversed Obama’s policy on funding overseas abortion (as all Republican presidents do).
Yet despite the way it is portrayed, polls consistently show that more men than women are in favour of legal abortions, both in Britain and in America. In this country 59 per cent of women want to reduce the legal limit from 24 weeks, compared to just 35 per cent of men. In fact, 10 per cent of British women would ban abortion outright.
(...) Mainline feminism might deny or downplay this intrasexual culture war. Yet intrasexual competition explains a lot. For example, more men than women oppose the horrible practice of female genital mutilation, while more women than men support mandatory hijab-wearing in Iran. This matches research in the West, where it is women who show most hostility to other women wearing revealing clothes – ‘slut-shaming’ – and where the majority of misogynistic abuse online is done by females. The exception to this general rule is with violence; most violence against women is done by men, but only because men commit the vast majority of violence across the board, most of it against other men, who are twice as likely to be murdered.
(Links zu den angeführten Umfragen gibt es jeweils im Text des Artikels.)
Vor diesem Hintergrund ist es bemerkenswert, dass der radikale Feminismus ausgerechnet auf Männer einhämmert. Sexismus scheint in dieser Ideologie mächtiger zu sein als eine nüchterne Analyse.
3. Eine der führenden Wissenschaftlerinnen Australiens empört sich darüber, dass an Hochschulen der Physikunterricht einfacher gemacht wird, damit auch die Mädchen mitkommen.
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