Männerrechtler: So beenden wir die "Rape Culture"!
Vor einigen Tagen verlinkte Genderama eine Meldung, der zufolge mindestens in den USA bei weitem mehr Männer als Frauen vergewaltigt werden. Diese Nachricht allein ist nicht neu; ich hatte darüber schon 2001 in meinem Buch "Sind Frauen bessere Menschen?" berichtet. Neu ist, dass ein Mainstream-Medum darüber berichtet. Bislang interessieren sich einflussreiche Medien schlicht nicht für Vergewaltigungsopfer, die nicht weiblich sind.
Das regte Paul Elam auf der männerpolitischen Website "A Voice for Men" zu dem Beitrag "The end of rape culture in the United States" an. Elam kommentiert den oben erwähnten Zeitungsartikel so:
This is definitely shocking, not because anyone who frequents this site is unaware of the fact that men are more frequently rape victims than women, and not because it took a British publication to report a vastly important piece of American news, but simply because any mainstream outlet came out so bluntly and said it. They supported that headline by including inmate populations in the total number of rapes.
How hopeful. If they are starting to imagine that convicts are human beings, men can’t be that far behind.
(...) When all is said and done, it is very likely that we will find that not only are women the minority of rape victims, they are likely not near as relevant as once assumed in understanding the big picture of sexual assaults in this culture. Just like the referenced article said, rape victims are overwhelmingly male, more than two to one over women, even by the United States Department of Justice and Mail Online’s convoluted reckoning.
And that, folks, is how we end "Rape Culture." All we have to do is keep hammering the fact that rape is primarily not a women’s issue (except, in some cases, as perpetrators). People will quit giving a damn overnight.
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