Donnerstag, Juni 01, 2017

Žižek: "Vorkämpfer der Politischen Korrektheit diskriminieren Minderheiten" – News vom 1. Juni 2017

1. "Ihr verteidigt auch nur eure Privilegien" wirft der Philosoph Slavoj Žižek in der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung den Anhängern der Politischen Korrektheit vor.

2. Ein schwuler Vater verklagt United Airlines, nachdem Mitarbeiter der Fluggesellschaft ihn beschuldigt hatten, seinen Sohn unsittlich zu berühren.

3. Einer der Gender-Pay-Gaps, über die kaum jemand spricht: Weibliche Geschäftsführer verdienen Millionen mehr als männliche.

A travel insurance company which offers female customers a 16 per cent "gender pay gap" discount says only "men’s rights activists" have complained about the policy.

But according to Ben Webster, co-founder of Travel With Jane, all men have to do to claim the discount — which is "definitely not a gimmick" — is say they identify as female. He said since announcing the policy to mark International Women’s Day in March, sales had increased by 45 per cent.

"I’m giving away margin to do this," he said. "The reaction has been overwhelmingly positive, with the exception of some loud noises on Facebook. We still offer services to men, and if men choose to say they identify as a woman, they can get the discount as well."

He said a lot of the protests had come from overseas. "People from the US have threatened us with legal action and all kinds of things," he said. "They’re not going to get very far. It is that typical profile of, for want of a better term, men’s rights activists that are engaged with that kind of issue. They tend to say that the gender pay gap is a myth, that women make choices leading to them receiving less pay, and that this is clearly discriminatory. When we engage with them over the facts, it doesn’t tend to lead anywhere."

Hier geht es weiter.

5. Bei der sogenannten LambdaConf, einer internationalen Konferenz für Programmierer, sprach dieses Jahr der afro-amerikanische Physiker und Boxer Ed Latimore das Geleitwort. Jetzt gerät er unter feministischen Beschuss:

Activists accused Ed Latimore of being a "men’s rights activist" and a "red-piller" for speaking up on men’s issues and for encouraging others to watch Cassie Jaye’s documentary, The Red Pill.

(Es wäre spannend zu wissen, wie viele Männerrechtler es gäbe, wenn nicht jeder, der sich entsprechend äußert, sofort zur Unperson erklärt werden würde.)

Latimore hatte folgenden Tweet veröffentlicht:

In this modern attack on masculinity, taking The Red Pill will set you free. It's why they react to it like we're teaching slaves to read.

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