Mittwoch, November 13, 2013

Nach zugedröhnter Autofahrt: Vorzeige-Feminist Hugo Schwyzer verletzt junge Mutter schwer

Hugo Schwyzer, the erstwhile male feminist darling of the ideological blogging community and Good Men Project contributor, whose life has been spiraling downward since being caught in an extramarital affair with a porn actress and admitting that much of his feminist activism was a ruse for attention, has sunk further into more troubles.

According to his blog post from yesterday, he was involved in a serious accident on Friday while under the influence of Klonopin, a psychiatric medication for which he has a prescription but was taking in excessive amounts. Schwyzer reports that a young mother was injured seriously in that accident and had to be airlifted to San Jose Medical Center.

Hier geht es weiter.

Ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass die Kommentare in der US-amerikanischen Männerrechtsbewegung etwas weniger hämisch ausfallen würden, wenn Schwyzer sowie seine Kumpels Kimmel und Connell nicht alle Register ziehen würden, um nicht-feministische Männer im allgemeinen und Männerrechtler im besonderen so massiv wie möglich zu diffamieren.

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