Studie: Videospiele machen Benutzer weder gewalttätig noch sexistisch
The world of videogames is no stranger to moral panics. Recently, researchers at the University of Oxford published the latest in a long line of studies debunking the persistent myth that violent videogames cause aggression in children. The study – published in the journal Psychology of Popular Media Culture – found that, regardless of a particular videogame’s content, children who played videogames moderately were actually less aggressive than those who do not game at all.
But this was no great triumph over media-effects theory. Indeed, the children who weren’t playing videogames were presumably on Twitter, whining about how videogames cause and promote misogyny. In recent months, this new hysteria has been at the forefront of the gaming discussion.
Hier geht es weiter, einen Direktlink zum Abstract (der Zusammenfassung) der Studie findet man hier. Feministinnen haben einen Großteil der Medien erneut mit einer Falschbeschuldigung an der Nase herum geführt. Werden Journalisten jemals lernen?
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