Sonntag, Oktober 05, 2014

Frauenkommission Delhi: Mehr als jede zweite "Vergewaltigung" erfunden

Haben die Masku-Nazis in Indien inzwischen sogar schon die Delhi Commission of Women unter Kontrolle? Anders kann aus radikalfeministischer Sicht eine aktuelle Nachrichtenmeldung kaum interpretiert werden:

A disturbing trend of filing of false rape cases has come to the fore, mocking stringent laws adopted by the parliament last year to prevent crime against women. The Delhi Commission of Women (DCW) has come out with startling statistics showing that 53.2% of the rape cases filed between April 2013 and July 2014 in the capital were found 'false'.

(...) The Delhi Commission of Women further said it was investigating individual complaints of rape to ensure the victims get justice. However, it added that in many cases, the complainant turned hostile, and that revenge emerged to be the most common reason for filing a false complaint.

Immerhin muss man bei den indischen Feministinnen anerkennen, dass sie diese Rate überhaupt offenlegen. Ähnliches würde ich vom deutschen Feminismus nie erwarten.

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