Mittwoch, August 20, 2014

Washington Post greift Women Against Feminism an

Die Women Against Feminism sorgen im feministisch-journalistischen Establishment der USA noch immer für große Unruhe. Inzwischen reitet sogar die Washington Post eine Attacke auf die Ideologiekritikerinnen. Die Kentnislosigkeit des Artikels ist so hanebüchen, wie man es von den Leitmedien in diesem Themenfeld gewohnt ist – insbesondere wenn es um Männerrechte geht:

As the vast majority of the world’s government and business leaders and holders of its wealth, it’s bizarre to suggest that men now lack social and political power. Women Against Feminism, however, often propose that men’s rights have been eroded because they usually have less access to their children after separation or divorce.

The continuing perception in courts and the general community that women are better suited to raise children, while men are better equipped to be in the workforce, is not a “right” that women enjoy. In dozens of ways, this belief restricts and hampers women’s rights and capacity to earn. The one drawback that affects men is the only one that anti-feminists mention.

Hier findet man das vollständige Gestümper.

Und hier ein aktuelles Video, mit dem die Women Against Feminism auf die Kritik an ihnen reagieren.

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