Montag, Februar 10, 2014

Afroamerikanischer Filmemacher stellt Dokumentation über Gewalt vaterloser Söhne vor

Kenneth Braswell shot his documentary, "Spit'in Anger," an examination of the violence spawned by fatherless sons, with inexpensive equipment and a shoestring budget.

He buttonholed experts on adolescent anger during breaks at conferences he attended around the country. He poured his own painful life experiences into the project.

(...) Braswell will premiere the one-hour independent film Thursday at Spectrum 8 Theatres, followed by a question-and-answer period. He hopes to generate a constructive conversation about a contentious topic in the African-American community: that absent fathers are exacting a terrible toll on black youngsters, whose deep sorrow causes them to act out in destructive ways.

"I'm not being critical of black men as much as urging accountability and trying to get them to recognize a problem, to step up and to tell their story as a way of being able to release the pain and begin to forgive and to heal," he said.

Hier findet man den vollständigen Artikel, dem ich entnehme, dass es Braswell vor allem um Väter geht, die ihre Kinder im Stich lassen. Natürlich wissen wir alle, dass dies nicht der einzige Weg ist, der zu "Vaterlosigkeit" führen kann.

Auch die New York Times berichtete dieser Tage, wie es Kindern schaden kann, wenn sie eine alleinerziehende Mutter haben – ein Problem, das früher nur von Konservativen angesprochen worden sei, jetzt aber zunehmend auch von Linken und von Menschen aus der Mitte des politischen Spektrums.

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