Dienstag, Dezember 10, 2013

Männerrechtler veranlassen Amazon, "Exfreund-Boxsack" nicht mehr zu verkaufen

Die britische Männerrechtsgruppe HEqual berichtet:

For the last five years Amazon.co.uk has been selling an extremely misandrist product promoting domestic violence against men. The product is either described as "Smack him" or "Punch Bag – Boyfriend" and could be found at three different addresses, one of which is a listing fulfilled directly by Amazon.

Buyers are instructed to "Insert Photo Of Your Ex Or Cheating Boyfriend" in a special photo slot in the product. After doing so, they are commanded by the large print on the product itself to instruction to "punch him here" (in his face) and to "knee him here" (in his groin). We’re all for reasonable freedom of expression, but it does appear quite clear that this product does little else than encourage females to be violent towards male partners and ex-partners. In promoting this product Amazon.co.uk was sending out the hugely problematic message that it acceptable and somehow justifiable for women to abuse men, and that acts such as infidelity or simply daring to break up with a female partner somehow excuse this violence.

(...) I’m pleased to announce that following our communications with Amazon, they have now withdrawn and deleted two out of the three listings of the punchbag, with the third still in place but displaying the product as now unavailable. We’re reasonably confident this final listing will be deleted in due course.

(...) HEquals would like to say a big thank you to all the taxpayer funded feminist anti domestic violence charities such as Women’s Aid, Men’s Advice Line and Refuge who campaigned so long and hard against this product which so blatantly promoted domestic violence. We say "like to" because such thanks are a mere fantasy at present and the truth is that all such organisations have been completely silent about this issue for all this time. You have to wonder if that would this be the case if the genders had been reversed?

Hier findet man den vollständigen Artikel. Mehr über die Initiative HEqual, die vielversprechend wirkt, erfährt man hier.

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