Sonntag, Oktober 13, 2013

Neue Studie: Genitalverstümmelung verhindert sexuell übertragene Krankheiten nicht

Researchers performing a clinical study on over 800 African American men found that circumcision does not prevent STIs (sexually transmitted infections). The most important factor was the number of sexual partners.

Researchers say their results throw into question commonly held beliefs about the connection between circumcision and STIs, which they say are largely based on extrapolations from studies performed on men in Africa. These African studies and their policy implications, which includes the recent reversal of the American Academy of Pediatrics' circumcision policy statement, were widely criticized by a consortium of doctors and human rights organizations.

Hier geht es weiter. Eine Menschenrechtsorganisation, die sich seit Jahren kontinuierlich gegen Genitalverstümmelung einsetzt (siehe etwa hier und hier), ist die Initiative MANNdat e.V.

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