Faschistische Feministinnen kündigen an, Ausladung zu ignorieren
Cathy Brennan, Wortführerin der radikalfeministischen Gruppe, die vom Londoner Irish Center für ein geplantes Jahrestreffen wieder ausgeladen wurde (Genderama berichtete ausführlich), erklärte am Wochenende in ihrem Blog, diese Ausladung zu ignorieren:
We do not accept the London Irish Centre’s unjustifiable rejection of our booking. ... We will have our conference. It will be at the London Irish Centre from the 8th – 9th of June.
Die britischen Männerrechtler kommentieren dieses Statement mit den folgenden Worten:
Here is a woman who is obviously not used to being told "No!" In fact, I seriously suspect that she has absolutely no idea what it means. (...) As this saga rumbles on, I'm finding that I have a great deal of sympathy of the London Irish Centre over this. Possibly they thought they were hosting an event concerned with "equality" or something. Who knows? This must be a very painful lesson for them, but it's one that people everywhere must learn.
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