Mittwoch, Juni 10, 2009

Amerikanische Wissenschaftlerin: Probleme der Jungen vernachlässigt

Noch eine Frau, die nicht "das richtige Gender-Bewusstsein" besitzt:

Both boys and girls have learning issues, but those affecting boys in school are more serious and have been neglected, a U.S. researcher says.

Judith Kleinfeld of the University of Alaska in Fairbanks, reviewed gender differences in literacy levels, college entrance tests, school grades, engagement in school, dropout rates, as well mental health, suicide, depression and conduct disorders.

The study, published in the journal Gender Issues, found that compared with girls, U.S. boys have lower rates of literacy, lower grades and engagement in school and higher drop-out rates. The boys also had dramatically higher rates of suicide, premature death, injuries, and arrests, and were also placed more often in special education.

Das ist ausbaufähig, aber diesen Artikel in einem Magazin unterzubringen, dem man anhand seines Namens unterstellen darf, eine streng feministische Form der "Wissenschaft" zu verfolgen, das ist das schon eine Leistung.

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