Donnerstag, Juni 05, 2008

US-Zeitschrift: "Wie die Feminisierung Amerikas Männer, Jungen – und Frauen zerstört"

Schade, dass ein deutsches Magazin, das eine gesamte Ausgabe einem einzelnen Thema widmet (z. B. Spiegel Special, Psychologie heute compact etc.), vermutlich niemals das hinbekommen wird, was die amerikanische Zeitschrift Whistleblower gerade vorlegt: eine komplette Ausgabe zum Thema Männerdiskriminierung. So stellt sich ihr Inhaltsverzeichnis dar:

Issue highlights include:

- "Banning 'mom' and 'dad,'" by Joseph Farah, who exposes the latest in bizarre and dangerous legislation by the California legislature.

- "The fathers' war" by Stephen Baskerville, a troubling look at how increasing numbers of America's military men risk all to serve their nation in wartime, only to be divorced by their wives and lose their children.

- "The war on fathers," by David Kupelian, an in-depth look at what's really behind the feminization of America.

- "Why men are being attacked," by Dr. Laura Schlessinger, who says: "It isn't all about hating men – it's largely about disdaining and dismissing them."

- "Has the bias pendulum swung against men?" Fewer college-bound, higher suicide rates, shorter life spans suggest males getting shaft.

- "Paternity fraud rampant in U.S.," showing how 30 percent of men assessed for court-ordered child support are not actually the fathers of the children receiving the support.

- "'Shared parenting' seen as custody solution," a look at bills in New York that would require courts to treat mom and dad equally.

- "Resolving the boy crisis in schools" by Jeffery M. Leving and Glenn Sacks, showing how today's public schools are profoundly unsuited for the genuine needs of boys.

- "Child support gold-diggers" by Carey Roberts, who shows how frequent fraud results in fathers being victimized by the justice system.

- "Hating our fathers, hating ourselves" by Bob Just, a penetrating look at the high cost of resenting the fathers and husbands in our lives.

And much more.

"This is one of the most soulful, important and insightful issues of Whistleblower we've produced in a long time," said Kupelian. "I urge people to read it – it's much more than eye-opening. It could be life-changing. Really."

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