Mittwoch, Juni 17, 2015

"Avengers"-Parodie verspottet Männerrechtler

Genderama berichtete vor mehreren Wochen über die Falschmeldung, dass Männerrechtler gegen den neuen Mad-Max-Film protestiert hätten, während die Proteste in Wahrheit von Gegnern der Männerrechtsbewegung ausgingen. Aber in Zeiten, wo die Leitmedien nur die Gegnern von Männerrechtlern zu Wort kommen lassen, sind selbst solche leicht durchschaubaren Falschmeldungen nicht tot zu kriegen. Diese hier lebt im US-Bundesstaat South Carolina auf besonders bizarre Weise weiter:

A Columbia man’s first venture into comic writing and art has earned national attention and could be the start of a new career.

Daniel Bein’s creation, The Men’s Rights Avengers, is a parody inspired by those Bein calls "men’s rights activists." Bein heard about men complaining over the recent movie "Mad Max: Fury Road," in which many feel a female character played by Charlize Theron replaces the title character as the center of the film.

When Bein read that a writer, Aaron Clarey, was calling for a boycott of the film, he took action of his own. "I decided to take them to task," he said. "If there are men’s rights activists, why shouldn’t there be Men’s Rights Avengers? You know, superheroes for those guys."

Bein wrote, drew, and colored his comic in just a week, and posted it online. His "Avengers" include the Incredible Jerk, a Hulk parody who makes unwelcome comments to women, and Men’s Liberator, Bein’s spoof of Captain America. The team battles ladies including a woman they call the Feminazi, though she does not approve of the title.

It sparked comments quickly, and Bein soon heard from an editor of The Huffington Post, a national news and culture website. "I thought it was someone trying to mess with me," Bein said, but it was real. The Huffington Post published a story about Bein and his Men’s Rights Avengers, leading to much more attention for the comic, both good and bad.

"I’m getting some pretty interesting comments," Bein said with a laugh. He said most people have responded positively, but others say his work is divisive and insulting to men. One person commenting online said, "Things like this comic are among the reasons some men feel marginalized.” Another added, “I’m a 40 year old white man. I don’t work in congress or the senate. I don’t run the country. Only woman and minorities are allowed to complain about how everything is unfair. When white men have a legitimate complaint everyone makes fun of us."

"I don’t think that’s the point of it," Bein said. He added that he simply found it odd that people would be angry over a female taking the lead in an action movie. "It’s very rare that that happens, and it was cool to see that,” he said. “I don’t know why people are so angry about that."

(...) Bein said he is planning more Men’s Rights Avengers stories as well as potential other projects, and has heard from several websites about the possibility of writing and drawing for them. He said the success of Men’s Rights Avengers may have opened a career door he had long thought was closed. "I would love to [work in the comics industry]," he said. "It’s something I always wanted to do, but talked myself out of. I just didn’t believe that it was possible."

Glaub mir, Junge, solange du Männerrechtler neidermachst, stehen dir plötzlich viele Türen offen. Wir haben auch in Deutschland Figuren herumrennen, die sich nie dafür interessiert haben, worum es uns inhaltlich geht, deren Namen durch ihre Angriffe auf Männerrechtler aber plötzlich bekannt geworden sind.

Der unter dem Artikel veröffentlichte Kommentar ist deutlich:

He makes fun of a pretty much made up story all to shame men into not speaking up about their issues. And then the media picks up on it to pile on. Same old same old for the media. Lesson to men: shut up and keep committing suicide at a rate four times greater than women.

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