Dienstag, Oktober 28, 2014

David Cameron unter Beschuss – weil er kein feministisches T-Shirt tragen will

Nick Clegg did it. Benedict Cumberbatch and Ed Miliband did it too. But David Cameron has been accused of having an issue with feminism after he refused five times to wear a T-shirt emblazoned with the phrase: “This is what a feminist looks like.”

The prime minister repeatedly declined to be pictured wearing the garment after being approached by Elle magazine. Both the deputy prime minister and Labour leader were happy to wear the T-shirts – as were actors Cumberbatch, Tom Hiddleston and Joseph Gordon-Levitt – but Cameron staunchly resisted.

Lorraine Candy, editor-in-chief of Elle, said: “This is a shame on so many levels, especially given he knew Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband had agreed without hesitation, alongside many other influential men who were more than happy to call themselves feminists. It seems the prime minister still has an issue with the word feminist.”

Hier geht es weiter. Und damit wissen wir jetzt immerhin eines: Wer immer sich in solchen T-Shirts blicken lässt, ist möglicherweise durch massiven Druck dazu genötigt worden.

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