Samstag, August 09, 2014

Disqualifiziert? Sind Feminismuskritikerinnen vor allem heterosexuell und weiß?

In den letzten Wochen ging die Mediendebatte um die "Women Against Feminism" (WAF) munter weiter; natürlich wollte ich nicht jeden einzelnen Artikel auf Genderama verlinken. Aber werfen wir zwischendurch wieder einmal einen Blick darauf. So wie zum Beispiel fundamentalistische Christen Homosexuelle zum Feind erklären, so sehr findet der umgekehrte Irrsinn im feministischen Genderlager statt. Dort scheint es zur Disqualifizierung eines Kritikers zu genügen, darauf hinzuweisen, dass er bzw. sie heterosexuell ist - oder die falsche Hautfarbe hat:

It should come as no big surprise that WAF has come under attack from the very feminist they eschew. While Cathy Young of Time magazine makes an effort to see WAF’s point of view, for the most part many of the articles are hostile, assuming the page is anti-progress and anti-woman.

Mariella Mosthof of Styleite asks "Why Is No One Talking About How ‘Women Against Feminism’ Are Mostly White and Straight?", as though being either "White" or "Straight" disqualifies you from judging feminism; particularly since both the second- and third-wave movements are primarily white and upper-middle class.

Mosthof gets appropriately trashed in the comments section of the article: "Real women standing up against feminism. Awesome stuff," one commenter cheers. "As usual, the feminist response is priceless. In fact, their response is one of the reasons that WAF exists in the first place."

Match point for that person. Who needs patriarchal men? In its rush to tear down any detractors, it seems the feminist movement is destroying itself.

Another commenter slams Mosthof for her own bigoted stance:

"Stop it with the silly race card already. Just admit you are intimidated by the Women Against Feminism movement and as such the only argument you can construct is one involving ad hominem attacks regarding the color of their skin. [...] so thanks for making yourself look like a total bigot."

What I find distinctive about WAF—as opposed to the modern feminist movement—is the variety of women from all races, age groups, and walks of life. White, black, Hispanic, Asian, Middle Eastern, stay-at-home moms, sex workers, scientists, executives, lesbians, transgendered, straight, and bisexual have proudly posted statements and commented on the Facebook page.

Some of the women are pro-life, others pro-choice; some are liberal, others conservative; many are Americans, but many are from different countries and continents. So despite Mosthof’s assertion that they are mostly white and straight, the photos and statements tell a different tale.

(...) This victim mentality in the feminist movement is most evident through the whole "rape apologist" and "rape culture" talk and advocacy. The latest video flooding my Facebook newsfeed is yet another Buzzfeed offering: "What Men Are Really Saying When Catcalling Women".

"Catcalling" used to be akin to an annoying form of flirting. Now feminists are placing it in the same category as an actual rape.

When Nia Sanchez, the current Miss Nevada was asked a question about colleges and sexual assault, Miss Sanchez, who is a fourth-degree black belt, dared to suggest that women could counter physical attacks and sexual assault by learning to defend themselves from a young age.

Feminists were apoplectic, blowing up Twitter, calling Miss Sanchez a rape apologist, and claiming she was enabling rape culture.

This type of hyperbole is not only demeaning to actual rape survivors (some of the WAF women have stated as much), but it paints all men as predators. When Miss Sanchez dared to say that women need not be victims but should be able to feel confident in defending themselves, she was attacked by the women who supposedly advocate empowerment.

(...) Women Against Feminism has started an essential discussion. Let’s hope it continues, and the shrill, strident, and politically correct naysayers don’t succeed in silencing their voices.

Hier findet man den vollständigen Artikel Jennifer OConnells – übrigens einer schwarzen jungen Frau. Lieber Michael Kimmel und lieber Martin Rosowski: Eure billige Hetze, Kritiker des Feminismus als rechtsradkale weiße männliche Verlierer und damit als die neuen Untermenschen in Genderzirkeln darzustellen, geht gerade gründlich in die Hose. Wir Ideologiekritiker und Dissidenten haben die unterschiedlichsten politischen Hintergründe – viele von uns kritisieren den Feminismus gerade weil wir Diskriminierungen bekämpfen und weil wir von Frauen mehr statt weniger erwarten. Und es wird selbst eurem System nicht gelingen, uns dauerhaft zum Schweigen zum bringen.

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