Mittwoch, Juli 23, 2014

Wie eine junge Frau zur Männerrechtlerin wurde

Ellen A. Fishbein besuchte die internationale Männerkonferenz in Detroit und geriet ins Staunen:

I was surprised to see that the first three speakers were women, but that wasn’t the biggest surprise for me. Having learned about the men’s rights movement only through online sources—MRA YouTube channels, blogs, and forums as well as media coverage of the movement—I was expecting some solid, reasoned arguments, but I was also expecting a lot of complaining, immaturity, and anger. What I found instead decisively converted me into a Men’s Rights Activist.

Der Beitrag über Fishbeins Damaskus-Erlebnis ist in Gänze lesenswert, auch weil er den Hauptunterschied zwischen Maskulisten und Feministinnen beleuchtet.

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