Montag, November 18, 2013

Studie: Frauen glücklich mit Gespräch über Abtreibung – Männer nicht so sehr

One half of women had decided on abortion before informing their partner of the pregnancy. Of those who were undecided at the time of disclosure, all sought their partner's advice. Most participants (84%) were happy with the amount of discussion that took place with their partners, although one fifth of women and nearly one third of men could have discussed it more. More women than men were happy with the discussions that took place (96.6% vs. 70.4%). Two thirds of respondents viewed the decision to have an abortion as being made by both partners, one quarter viewed the decision as being mostly the woman's choice, and 5% viewed the decision as being mostly the male partner's choice.

Das ist nicht wirklich überraschend bei einem Gespräch über die Entscheidung, ob man den eigenen Nachwuchs tötet oder nicht, worauf gesetzlich der Mann exakt null Prozent Einfluss nehmen kann. Wenn die eine Partei bei einer Angelegenheit rechtlos ist und die andere nicht, dürfte klar sein, welche Partei Gespräche über diese Angelegenheit glücklicher machen.

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