Australien: Millionenschwere Kampagne für psychische Gesundheit von Männern
Und wieder einmal ein Blick nach Australien – auf eine Gesellschaft, die aus deutscher Perspektive geradezu utopisch erscheint:
News ads are urging men to take the bull "by the balls" and take charge of their mental health.
It's part of a new multi-million dollar "Man Therapy" campaign funded by the federal government that's urging men to take action on depression and anxiety - and reminding them a real man looks out for his mates.
Mental Health Minister Mark Butler said the number of male deaths from suicide in 2011 were almost twice that of road deaths, making suicide the biggest killer of Australian males between 15 and 44.
Mr Butler said the tragedy was most men did not seek help for their underlying mental health issue.
The Man Therapy campaign being rolled out by Beyondblue hoped to change that and get through to men using humour.
Based around on ads which will run on television, radio, print, online and social media from this week, the campaign stars a "man's man" character called Dr Brian Ironwood who urges men to "tackle the crap" out of feelings like anger, stress and anxiety using the manly techniques found in his online "shed".
The site also includes tips for those worried about a man in their life.
Hier geht es weiter.
Ich versuche seit mehreren Minuten, mir eine derartige Kampagne auch hierzulande vorzustellen und scheitere konsequent an der bundesdeutschen Wirklichkeit. Wer sich hierzulande für Männer engagiert, darf in der Regel froh sein, wenn er nicht als verkappter Neonazi beschimpft wird.
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