Sonntag, April 14, 2013

Die Situation der Männer im Jahr 2020

In der Huffington Post erörtert die Psychologin und Genderforscherin Peggy Drexler die voraussichtliche Zukunft der Geschlechter. Sie entwirft drei Hauptszenarien:

One argument is that gender difference is so genetically ingrained that we will, over time, revert to a semblance of traditional roles. This period of adjustment will end, and men will be men -- perhaps with some excess of testosterone bled from the tank. (There is also hope in some quarters that lower feminist-liberal birth rates and higher traditional-conservative birth rates will one day restore men to the throne.)

Another, recently popular, take is that men are old news. Their role -- their very usefulness in a developed society -- has been usurped to the point they will never again be men as we know them. They will be androgynous followers of a new and superior model of female leadership.

(...) Somewhere in between is the hope that we will grow into a society where gender expectation is fluid and multidimensional. A sense of place and roles will be as diverse as the humans who measure their worth against them. We might even revert to an earlier-times gender community, where it took both men and women working together to bring in the crops.

Frauen scheinen inzwischen karrieregeiler zu sein als Männer:

A recent Pew study found that Millennial women have passed men in their career expectations. Two-thirds put career success high on their list of priorities. For men, it was just under 60 percent. Is it a refreshing lack of materialism or a relative lack of ambition?

Aktuelle Untersuchungen zeigen überdies eine weitere bemerkenswerte Tendenz – im Vergleich mit Frauen zeigen Männer an einer Partnerschaft deutlich weniger Interesse:

Pew research says that the desire to marry among young women is rising - with high importance increasing from 28 to 37 percent since 1997. For young men, it dropped from 35 to 29 percent.

(...) According to one marketing study, Millennial men are less likely to get romance going in the first place. Men and women were asked if "men should be the ones to lead and initiate in romance." Almost 45 percent of women agreed. Only 33 percent of men did.

Another finding in the same study: Both men and women were asked to list their greatest fears. For women, being alone ranked second behind being sick. For men being alone near the bottom, just above being bored.

Woran dieses Missverhältnis nur liegen mag?

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