Mittwoch, Juni 03, 2009

Warum sagen die Bücher meines Sohnes, dass Männer nutzlos sind?

A recent academic study confirmed that men - particularly fathers - are under-represented in almost all children's books. And when they do appear (...) they are often withdrawn, or obsessed with themselves, or just utterly ineffectual. (…)

And something else began to strike me as I looked at these stories - the stories I use to introduce my son to the ways of the world. Not only were they full of bad male stereotypes - deadbeat dads, absent fathers, idiots, wimps and fools - but I have been totally colluding with them. It didn't bother me at all. Until I started to think about it, it had seemed normal to me.

(…) And it just so happens that these people, in these stories, are male. It just so happens that it wouldn't seem right, to me, if these malign, foolish or weak people were female. Somehow, they have to be male. And symbols of male inadequacy are so deeply embedded in other parts of our culture. So much so, in fact, that nobody notices it any more.

William Leith beschäftigt sich in der Daily Mail mit einer Männerfeindlichkeit, die für uns von Kindesbeinen an so alltäglich geworden ist, dass die meisten sie nicht einmal mehr bemerken. Tragischerweise endet der Artikel damit, dass Leith der Dauerpropaganda sämtlicher Medien nachgibt und Männer schließlich selbst als nutzlos erklärt.

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