Kanada: 81 % der verlorenen Jobs gehörten Männern
Ähnlich wie in den USA trifft auch in Kanada die Rezession das männliche Geschlecht besonders hart:
More than four out of five jobs that have been lost in Canada since October 2008 have been jobs held by men, according to the newest data from Statistics Canada.
The trend, in which men represent more than 81 per cent of the 357,000 jobs lost over the past six months, is prompting some to refer to this economic downturn as a "he-cession."
Fragt man Feministinnen, ist das natürlich noch lange kein Grund, nicht weiterhin hauptsächlich die Frauen zu bedauern:
However, according to Colleen Burns, spokeswoman for the Canadian Federation of University Women, this is not a victory for gender equality.
"It's not just about the absolute total numbers of people in the workforce," said Burns. "It also has to do with what kinds of jobs are occupied by men and women, and there is a major disparity in the type of work."
Burns said women are largely employed in part-time or contract positions. She also said recession-proof fields, such as education and health care, are overwhelmingly staffed by women.
While it is important to monitor the role women play in the workforce, she said, there is still much work to be done to address issues pertaining to pay equity and equal job opportunities for women.
"If more women are in part-time work, contract work or minimum-wage jobs, that does not mean there is equality or equity happening," she said.
Klingt so, als wäre es höchste Zeit, in der patriarchalen Diktatur Kanada die Taliban aus den Regierungsämtern zu entfernen und auch Frauen dort endlich das Recht auf freie Berufswahl zu ermöglichen.
Labels: Beruf, Wirtschaft
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