Montag, September 17, 2007

"Kein Wunder, dass uns Männer als Sexobjekte behandeln"

Kann man Männern die Schuld an der oft beklagten Pornographisierung unserer Gesellschaft geben? Decca Aitkenhead hält das für Unsinn:

I used to think that rumours about normal, well-adjusted teenage girls posting topless pictures in chat rooms for boys they had never even met were alarmist myths. But I spent some time around 12-year-olds this summer, and it turns out they are absolutely true. This week FHM was censured for publishing a photograph of a topless 14-year-old without her consent - but the real shock came in FHM's revelation that it receives more than 1,200 submissions of women topless or in lingerie every single week.

It is no wonder a lot of men now genuinely believe that women want to be treated as sex objects. Who could blame them when so many of us have internalised an exhibitionistic ideal of our own objectification? You could argue, I suppose, that women who put headless photos of their naked torsos on to the internet are still suffering the legacy of millennia of male sexual oppression. But there must come a point where it is simply implausible to keep blaming men.

Im britischen Guardian findet man den vollständigen Artikel. In der Kommentarspalte wird er auch recht intensiv diskutiert (z. B. ob der Beitrag auf der Grundannahme „Sex = Unterdrückung“ basiert und wenn ja, ob diese zutreffend ist oder nicht).

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