Montag, Juli 17, 2017

Jetzt auch CDU: Wer keinen Unterhalt zahlt, soll Führerschein verlieren – News vom 17. Juli 2017

1. Vätern, die keinen Unterhalt zahlten, solle der Führerschein weggenommen werden – das fordern Sozialdemokraten wie die ehemalige Frauenministerin Manuela Schwesig und Sigmar Gabriel. Inzwischen werden solche Forderungen auch aus den Reihen der Christdemokraten laut.

2. "Die sprachliche Integration von Frauen in Gesetzen, ihre Inklusion, droht andere Gruppen auszugrenzen" argumentiert Judith Froese bei der Frankfurter Allgemeinen.

3. Hadmut Danisch berichtet, wie die Moderatorin Barbara Hahlweg im ZDF Falschinformationen zum Thema Gleichstellung verbreitet. Hahlweg war Hauptmoderatorin des ZDF-Frauenmagazins "Mona Lisa", das vorgestern eingestellt wurde.

4. Im Magazin "Quillette" erklärt Aaron Neil, warum man sich in unserer Gesellschaft den Kopf weniger über die Geschlechterkluft in bestimmten Bereichen, etwa Naturwissenschaft und Technik (STEM), zu zerbrechen braucht:

Despite attempts to encourage women to work in STEM, these numbers are barely changing. Even as more women join the workforce, few choose to work in STEM fields. Between 1991 and 2011, women accounted for 75 per cent of the growth in the number of workers in university-level non-scientific occupations, but only 27 per cent of the growth in the number of workers in university-level scientific occupations.

Some may argue that patriarchal social factors encourage women into stereotypically feminine fields (childcare, nursing etc.), and discourage them from pursuing STEM related careers. However, if one were to make the case that societal factors determine choices made by men and women, you would expect that in more egalitarian countries, the sexes would make similar career choices, and thus, gender gaps would recede. However, studying sex differences across 55 different cultures, Schmitt, Realo, Voracek, & Allik, came to the opposite conclusion (...):

"With improved national wealth and equality of the sexes, it seems differences between men and women in personality traits do not diminish. On the contrary, the differences become conspicuously larger."

They also made this statement remarking on their own extensive research (...):

"In this study, a collection of eight different gender equality indicators provided a comprehensive set of measures that assess disparity between male and female roles in society. In every case, significant findings suggest that greater nation-level gender equality leads to psychological dissimilarity in men’s and women’s personality traits."

Gender gaps do not decrease in egalitarian countries. Rather, they increase. According to the authors, this is because as “society becomes more prosperous and more egalitarian, innate dispositional differences between men and women have more space to develop and the gap that exists between men and women in their personality traits becomes wider” (emphasis added).

In other words, in prosperous and egalitarian countries, people are free to pursue their respective career interests. Since men and women are innately different, they pursue different vocations based on dissimilar interests. Therefore, equal representation is an inaccurate measure of gender egalitarianism, simply because in egalitarian countries, gender gaps are the most robust.

5. Der Boston Globe veröffentlichte dieser Tage den Artikel "In defense of the white male" von Roland Merullo. Ein Auszug:

Everywhere I turn these days I encounter the term “white male,” almost always used in a pejorative way. (...) Associating us only with evil deeds, selfishness, and violence is as misguided as making general disparaging statements about any other group: women, blacks, Muslims, homosexuals. Yet, in certain circles, it has become acceptable — even laudable — to do just that.

Not long ago I had an exchange with a former student of mine — we were discussing women’s rights and abusive men — and she told me I had no right to speak on the subject. "We were made to be silent for millennia," she said, "now it’s your turn." That kind of revenge must be satisfying, and particularly soothing to those who’ve been hurt by men — no small number. Ultimately, though, understandable as it may be, the impulse toward revenge leads nowhere except to a seesaw of oppression and fury.

I thought of arguing with her that my right to speak on those issues derives from the fact that I have two daughters and have been married for 38 years to the same good woman. But those aren’t the true reasons. The true reason is that I am a human being, and the welfare of all human beings concerns me.

(...) From Jews to African-Americans to homosexuals to Irish, Italian, and now Middle Eastern immigrants, hatred began by tossing all of them into a group, and attributing to that group the most unattractive characteristics imaginable. What is being done to "white males" now, it should go without saying, is not on a par with what was done to those people. But the instinct to label and blame is born of the same kind of group-think.

Maybe one fine day we’ll learn to eschew labels, or at least see beyond them, and focus on the humanity we share.

Was Feministinnen zu diesem Artikel sagen würden ist klar: Die Hass-Ideologie der Masku-Nazis dringt immer weiter in etablierte Medien vor.

6. Da wir es hier schon einige Wochen nicht mehr mit Superhelden hatten: Captain America ist angeblich Transgender

7. Teilweise off-topic ist mein persönliches Zitat des Tages. Es stammt von dem Extremismusforscher Klaus Schroeder und findet sich in der aktuellen Frankfurter Allgemeinen Woche (nicht online):

"Jetzt, da die Gewaltorgie [in Hamburg] nicht zu übersehen war, versuchen sich die SPD, die Grünen und die Linkspartei zu retten und zu sagen: Das hat mit uns nichts zu tun. Das ist völliger Quatsch. Ihre Jugendorganisationen machen ständig Aktionsbündnisse mit Linksextremisten. Das heißt nicht, dass die Jusos Steine werfen, aber sie haben keine Scheu, mit solchen Leuten zu demonstrieren. (...) Die einzigen, die die Gewalt eindämmen könnten, wären gemäßigte und radikale Linke."

Das Mindeste, was wir Bürger in dieser Hinsicht tun können, ist, Parteien mit einem derart ungeklärten Verhältnis zur Gewalt einfach nicht mehr zu wählen.

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