Sonntag, September 27, 2015

"Es tut uns Leid, dass wir unseren Cisgender-Sohn produziert haben"

Oft wird gefragt: Wie können wir Männer Feministinnen helfen, ihre Sache voranzubringen, ohne unsere eigene patriarchale Sichtweise in den Vordergrund zu spielen, zu Mensplaining zu greifen oder ähnlich dumme Dinge zu tun? Anne Wizorek etwa kann zur Beantwortung dieser Frage ganze Kapitel schreiben. Brandon Morse hat die feministische Botschaft verstanden und zeigt in einem aktuellen Beitrag, wie gut er aufgepasst und gelernt hat:

As a straight, white, cisgender male, I don’t face the challenges that many women, minorities, or genderqueer do on a daily basis. My life is easy. I benefit from a patriarchal system that lends power and privilege to individuals with my characteristics. While I didn’t ask for it, it is my duty to own it. I want to preface this article by acknowledging my privilege, and apologizing beforehand if I step out of line, or any of the following causes offense.

Despite my privilege, even I am faced with challenges. While my challenges do not hold a candle to say, my partner Gwendalin’s (though we are lawfully married, we prefer not to use the traditional identifiers of "man" or "wife," as they carry connotations of patriarchal ownership and rape culture) even the most underprivileged in our societal system, who are victims of white corporate oppression, may sympathize. I’m speaking, of course, about the disappointment of raising a child who subscribes to the traditional gender binary.

Gwen and I, despite our best efforts, are currently the parents of a cisgendered son.

Hier geht es weiter.


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