Dienstag, Juni 09, 2015

Wall Street Journal: Antidiskriminierungsgesetz gefährdet Meinungsfreiheit – Warum wacht die Linke erst jetzt auf?

Die Empörung darüber, dass inzwischen sogar Feministinnen davon betroffen sind, dass Social Justice Warriors ihnen mit fadenscheinigen Vorwürfen der Diskriminierung das Maul zu stopfen versuchen, hat inzwischen das Wall Street Journal erreicht. Ein Auszug aus dem Artikel von Jessica Gavora:

Beginning in 2011 the Obama Education Department wrote "Dear Colleague" letters to schools. Suddenly, schools were responsible for harassment and assault that occur off campus. A lower standard of evidence was established to prove the guilt of the accused. Earlier protections for academic freedom and free expression were dropped.

With that, the pas de deux with activist groups commenced. Title IX investigations of accusations of sexual assault and harassment on campuses exploded. Just as they had with Title IX in sports, activists went in search of victims to be the media face of a rape crisis — and to become plaintiffs in litigation against schools.

(...) Feminists might not be so surprised today if they had paid more attention when college women, as a feature of Title IX enforcement, were being treated like impressionable children incapable of choosing to join a sports team. Most of the attention was focused on supposedly sexist men, and when Title IX targeted male athletes, academics like Ms. Kipnis didn’t speak out. Now academics are in the cross hairs. Who will be next?

Hier findet man den vollständigen Artikel. In Deutschland schläft die Linke beim Thema "Social Justice Warriors gegen Meinungsfreiheit" noch immer tief und fest.

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