Sonntag, Juni 21, 2015

Toronto: Männerrechtler für immer von Homo-Parade ausgeschlossen

Controversial men’s rights group, the Canadian Association for Equality (CAFE), has officially been banned from Toronto’s Pride parade, in a decision rendered by Pride Toronto’s Dispute Resolution Process (DRP).

Though it rejects an anti-feminist label, CAFE has repeatedly been associated with anti-feminist groups, prompting heated protests at its past events.

And while CAFE continues to claim a commitment to “achieving equality for all Canadians”, including those of the LGTBQ community, many critics insist the group’s values are entirely contrary to that of Pride.

(...) DRP Arbitrator Paul Bent described a “balancing of interests” in coming to the decision. "I considered CAFE’s response that inclusion, diversity and equality are values the organization shares with Pride versus the numerous complaints filed against CAFE’s participation arguing that CAFE, as an organization and through its affiliation with men’s rights groups, contravenes Pride Toronto’s vision to, "create a safe space to engage communities in the celebration of their sexuality."

"I must give the complaints of members of the LGBTTIQQ2SA community precedence when they indicate the participation of CAFE could directly undermine the participation of queer, lesbian and trans women in the Pride Parade," said Bent.

The decision bars CAFE’s participation at all future parades and events organized by Pride Toronto.

Hier findet man den vollständigen Artikel.

Wir lernen: Sich von Antifeministen deutlich zu distanzieren bringt in der geschlechterpolitischen Debatte überhaupt nichts. Man wird ausgegrenzt, sobald man sich für Männer einsetzt. Und: Männerrechtlern Homophobie vorzuwerfen ist absurd. Andersherum wird ein Schuh draus. Zumindest in Toronto reagiert die LGBTusw.-Community mit derselben Intoleranz, die sie Andersdenkenden immer wieder vorgeworfen hat.

Mit der Frage, wie das Argument von "safe spaces" eingesetzt wird, um die Meinungsfreiheit zu unterdrücken, beschäftigte sich auch der Economist.

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