Montag, Juni 15, 2015

Feministische Vandalen machen Restaurant zur Zielscheibe

Le Journal de Montréal reports that a band of 'radical feminists' recently smashed one of the restaurant's windows and plastered the Hochelaga district with posters that denounced the new business.

(...) On June 2 the entrepreneur discovered that a large rock had been hurled through a window. Posters simultaneously appeared around the neighbourhood with the restaurant's logo altered to display a defiant woman in place of a mustachioed man with tattoos. Translated, the posters read: "When gentrification and sexism get on well together. Against a neighbourhood that is more and more 'clean,' expensive, and chauvinist. Against the escalation of violence against women. Reclaim our neighbourhoods and resume control of our streets."

Hier findet man den vollständigen Artikel. Vergessen Sie bitte nicht, dass wir Männerrechtler die gefährliche, potentiell gewaltbereite Hassbewegung darstellen, obwohl es solche Vorfälle grundsätzlich nur von feministischer Seite gibt. Feministinnen werden für ihre Gewalt schon gute Gründe haben, Maskulisten hingegen sollte man sarkastische Kommentare ("hate speech") auf keinen Fall durchgehen lassen.

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