Britischer Student gründet Gesellschaft für die Menschenrechte der Männer – und wird von Feministinnen unterstützt
Third year linguist Adam Frost, 21, is currently on a year abroad in the south of France but has set up a new group called the Durham Uni Male Human Rights Society.
Claiming to be the first of its kind in the UK, they immediately raised criticism across campus as incensed students asked: "isn’t this a bit like starting a society for white people’s rights?"
(...) Adam told The Tab: "I found out that there are lots of problems that affect men: there are also problems that affect men less than women, definitely, such as domestic violence and rape, but men do nevertheless get affected. The problem is that their issues are not taken into account quite as much: they’re not given enough attention and they’re not given enough resources to deal with the problems they face. That for me is why I wanted to start the society: to bring more attention to the fact that men can be and are often victims of real problems – that’s my motivation."
Despite the strong reaction by many, the Fem Soc has got behind Adam because of their "shared values". Fem Soc president Catherine Crook told us: "We’ve already begun to liaise with Adam, potentially starting some sort of Fem Soc supported men’s discussion group about the issues he was right to raise. Our aims are fundamentally similar and hopefully together we can make progress towards raising awareness of these issues."
Von Männerrechtlern hält Adam Frost übrigens wenig:
"I’ve gone through their websites and they don’t do anything – they’re the definition of slacktivism. They’re people who sit on their computers bitching about feminism. They’re just ruining it."
Was diesen Punkt angeht, kann man ihm, was einen Großteil der Männerbewegung angeht, leider schwer widersprechen. Ich habe ja selbst schon darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass man allmählich mal aus der Phase des reinen Dauerbloggens und -kommentierens herauskommen könnte, aber das weit überwiegende Feedback darauf war, das könnte ich doch unmöglich ernst meinen. Alle paar Monate wird trotzdem mal ein Projekt an mich herangetragen, das über das Vollschreiben des Internets hinausgehen soll, aber bis auf wenige Ausnahmen schläft jedes davon zuverlässig wieder ein.
Davon abgesehen teilt Adam Frost unsere Anliegen.
The issues which have moved Adam towards forming such a sensitive society have been a long time coming. Witnessing his friends either tragically commit or attempt suicide led him to reading about male cases, as well as instances of domestic violence.
"I spoke to a guy about male victims of domestic violence and his reaction was ‘wait, there are men who get beaten by their wives?’"
Und auch aus den Reihen der angeblich so nutzlosen Antifeministen erhält Adam Frost Unterstützung:
Breitbart columnist and right-wing firebrand Milo Yiannopolous, backs Adam’s new project.
He told The Tab: "It doesn’t surprise me to see men’s rights organisations springing up on campuses. Many young men rightly feel as though society is architected against them. Nowhere is this more true than at uni.
A wacky, extremist brand of feminism is in vogue at universities on both sides of the Atlantic today, concerned with ‘patriarchy,’ policing ‘micro-aggressions,’ transgender pronouns, demanding ‘safe spaces’ for imagined traumas and demeaning and ridiculing men at every opportunity.
Feminists have even succeeded in establishing compulsory “consent classes” at many colleges, the message of which is: men, you are all potential rapists. That’s appalling: they should be scrapped.
Sadly, academia being what it is, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a lot of these new men’s rights groups banned from campus on the spurious grounds that they make women feel ‘unsafe.’"
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