Feministische Comics = langweilige Comics
Ins Genre der Superhelden-Comics wurden in den letzten Jahren verstärkt feministische Ansätze aufgenommen. Immer mehr Heldinnen sollten als "Rollenmodelle" etabliert werden. Das Resultat, beklagt sich eine Autorin der Website Comics Alliance, ist die große Langeweile. Während bei Männern negative Eigenschaften gezeigt werden und den Charakteren dadurch mehr Tiefe verleihen – man denke hier auch an TV-Serien wie "Breaking Bad" – sind die neuen Heldinnen allesamt "klug, nett und frech". Wie aus der Klonfabrik.
Aber genau das habt ihr doch gewollt, antwortet das männerpolitische Blog Toy Soldiers. Sobald gegen dieses Rezept verstoßen wurde, kam es zum feministischen Aufschrei der Empörung:
Feminists are the ones buying these books. They are the ones clamoring that the boys’ club has been torn down. They are the ones who find certain covers, certain storylines, certain costumes, even certain creators "offensive." This is what one is left with when all those things are removed.
(...) Consider the feminist opposition to Barbara Gordon’s backstory with the Joker. Feminists have such a negative reaction to the idea that Babs would have to overcome the Joker’s brutal attack that artists are no longer allowed to depict the event, even in passing reference. Never mind that the Killing Joke is a perfect example of ugliness and melodrama. No, it cannot be depicted or mentioned again because it victimizes women.
That is why Khan is left with the "smart, nice, sassy girls." Creators cannot have women do bad things, cannot play on stereotypes, and cannot have bad things happen to women. There is nothing left for creators to use except snark and sass.
(...) You knew what the end result would be because comic book fans warned you. They told you your ideas were boring. You ignored them and demanded these characters anyway. You do not get to change your mind because you now realize your ideas suck.
You got what you asked for.
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