Freitag, November 21, 2014

Führende britische Feministin: "Der Feminismus droht, vergiftend zu werden"

Julie Bindel ist eine der einflussreichsten Feministinnen Großbritanniens. Und selbst sie sieht in dieser Ideologie eine immer schädlichere Unkultur entstehen:

Feminism, a great social movement, is in danger of becoming toxic and repressive. (...) The current climate of McCarthyism within some segments of feminism and the left is so ingrained and toxic that there are active attempts to outlaw some views because they cause offence. Petitions against individuals appear to be a recent substitute for political action towards the root causes of misogyny and other social ills. Petitions have taken over politics.

(...) Last year more than 20 student unions in the UK banned Robin Thicke’s song Blurred Lines, which was widely thought to glamorise rape, forbidding the playing of the song at functions within union spaces. But when the Islamic Education and Research Academy hosted an event on University College London premises at which seating was segregated by gender, a National Union of Students delegate at King’s College London said that "gender segregation should be respected, if not tolerated, in institutions of higher education".

Identity politics and the emergence of feminist preciousness – the tendency towards putting trigger warnings on everything and wrapping each other in cotton wool – has translated into a disproportionate focus on individuals who offend, rather than the culture that allows them to do so. That lyrics could be a more legitimate feminist target than universities that support gender apartheid is depressing.

Männerrechtler problematisieren die in Bindels Artikel genannten Aspekte seit Jahren. Die Reaktionen: "antiemanzipatorisch", "frauenfeindlich", "polemisch", "Breivik". Inzwischen fangen die ersten Feministinnen an, sich vor dem wachsenden Totalitarismus ihrer eigenen Bewegung zu gruseln.

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