Dienstag, Juni 10, 2014

Britischer "Guardian" berichtet über vergewaltigte Männer

"You don't feel like a person any more. You feel like a thing. Like you're subhuman. It gets to you, and you stop thinking of yourself as human. You stop thinking you deserve to be happy, or that you deserve to have friends or to be loved. Eventually, you stop thinking you deserve to live. Maybe you act on those feelings, maybe you don't. I did. I was hospitalised four times before I finally got help and found a therapist who took me seriously and told me it wasn't my fault."

The first-person accounts posted on Reddit last week by survivors of sexual abuse have many familiar elements. They recount post-traumatic stress and emotional damage, the sexual dysfunction and difficulties forming relationships, and – most commonly – the disbelief and victim-blaming that greet attempts to report or share the details, even with trusted friends. The only difference with the hundreds of stories shared on one remarkable, often heartbreaking thread is that all were from men, recounting their abuse by women. Many told of childhood sexual abuse, others described sexual assaults, all the way up to forced penetrative sex, committed by women on teenage or adult males.

Hier geht es weiter mit dem Beitrag des linken Männerrechtlers Ally Fogg. Und irgendwann knacken wir dieses Medientabu auch in Deutschland, setzen uns über das feministische "Opfer-Abo" und den "Gender Empathy Gap" hinweg. Erfreulicherweise bleibt derzeit zum Beispiel die ARD-Serie "Lindenstraße" hart an der extrem schwierigen Situation eines Mannes, der vergewaltigt wurde, dran. Ohne uns aus feministischer Sicht gemeingefährliche Maskulisten gäbe es diese Entwicklung nicht.


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