Kalifornien: Männerrechtler kritisieren Diskriminierung wegen Gratis-Kursen für Frauen
Auch in den USA werden Männerrechtler allmählich von den Medien wahrgenommen:
A men’s rights group is accusing a California city of violating civil rights laws because the city is offering free self-defense classes that are only open to women and girls.
The Glendale News-Press reported Thursday that Harry M. Crouch, the president of the National Coalition of Men, sent a letter to the city of Glendale, the city’s Commission on the Status of Women and the company leading the classes demanding men and boys be allowed to attend the classes as well.
(...) City officials told the paper they are in the process of researching the matter, and that federal law could possibly permit women’s only self-defense classes. The officials said they are now investigating state law on the issue, and may consider reviewing the class structure if necessary.
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Labels: Jahr des Mannes
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