Montag, Januar 13, 2014

Australien: Hetzkampagne gegen Männerstudien erfolgreich

Finally, after years of preparation and dedicated effort, the Male Studies initiative that was scheduled to launch in weeks at the University of South Australia, is being torpedoed by feminist ideologues. This involves feminists in academe and in the Australian media who are working in concert to smear the architects of the Male Studies initiative as "woman haters" who have affiliations with "fringe groups."

We have it from reliable sources that the undermining was swift and complete. The University of South Australia folded like a cheap suit and have withdrawn their support of the important initiative.

Dies berichtet die männerpolitische Website A Voice for Men. In einem Kommentar unter einem anderen Blogbeitrag zum selben Thema fasst ein Leser treffend zusammen, wie Gespräche zwischen Männerrechtlern und Feministinnen mittlerweile aussehen (dasselbe Gesprächsverhalten gab es nach Erzählmirnixens Blogstöckchen zum Maskulismus ja auch in deutschsprachigen feministischen Blogs):

Feminists: You just rant about feminism on your websites and you don’t actually "do" anything.

MRAs: That’s because feminists always get in the way of us trying to do anything.

Feminists: No we don’t! Not "real" feminists anyway.

MRAs: Ok well we’re going to start a Men’s Studies course so we can begin to discuss the issues men face.

Feminists: Fine, you do that.

MRAs: *Start work towards stated goal*

Feminists: OMG they’re misogynists, rape apologists, incest supporters! Stop them from doing what they’re doing!

Und da fragen sich Feministinnen, warum Männerrechtler mit dieser Ideologie ernsthafte Probleme haben?

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