Samstag, November 30, 2013

USA: Petition gegen einseitige Berichterstattung über Männerrechtler als Erfolg verbucht

Die männerpolitische Website A Voice for Men verbucht eine Kampagne, um die einseitige Berichterstattung des Nachrichtenmagazins 20/20 (auf dem Sender ABC) gegen Männerrechtler anzusprechen, als Erfolg:

Todd Bottom, organizer of the online 20/20 Gender Bias in the Media petition announced last month declared success today in an email sent out to supporters.

"As a result of your support for the recent petition regarding the programming of ABC’s 20/20, I was contacted by one of their Executive Producers and we spoke on the phone today. He informed me that the program’s producers were ‘upset’ about receiving the 1,400+ signatures and that they are interested in covering issues that other programs are not" said Bottom in an email sent out to supporters Wednesday afternoon.

The petition was started shortly after ABC’s failure to broadcast a much-anticipated edition of 20/20 featuring A Voice for Men (AVfM) founder Paul Elam on October 17th. The exact reason for ABC’s decision not to air the piece isn’t known but it is widely believed it was due to a rapid and overwhelming response to an article posted on ABC’s website a day before the show titled "Women Battle Online Anti-Woman Hate from the ‘Manosphere’". In that article they attributed the following comment to the A Voice for Men website. Paul Elam also reports to us that Elizabeth Vargas referenced this comment as well, challenging him about its presence on the site.

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