Mittwoch, November 06, 2013

Norwegen: Immer mehr geprügelte Männer strömen in Notunterkünfte

Die männerpolitische Website A Voice for Men berichtet:

117 men lived in the Norwegian domestic violence shelters in the year 2012, a number that increased three times in three years and another increase is expected this year as well. About half of them (47%) suffered abuse from a spouse or cohabitant and 9% suffered abuse from an ex-wife.

The legal recognition and the existence of services available for male victims of domestic violence in Norway started with the Shelters Act of 2010, a law which makes mandatory for municipalities that offer domestic violence shelters to also include men in their services, with the requirement that the housing facilities for men and women to be physically separated.

(...) Norway has a population of little over 5 million people, which makes the number (and the rate of growth) of extreme cases in which men seek shelter from domestic violence to be significantly more important than it might look in larger country like Germany or Russia. If those countries have similar rates then their numbers would be much larger–but these countries do not recognize that there is any such need.

Mit seiner antisexistischen Gesetzgebung ist Norwegen Deutschland in der Tat ein paar Schritte voraus. Wenn hierzulande Professor Gerhard Amendt ähnliches fordert, muss er sich die unglaublichsten Anfeindungen gefallen lassen.

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