Montag, November 04, 2013

Mob ermordet Nachbarn, der fälschlich für Pädophilen gehalten wurde

Das Neueste aus der "Rape Culture", die sexuelle Übergriffe von Männern bekanntlich verharmlost und einfach so hinnimmt, erfahren wir aus Großbritannien:

Mr Ebrahimi met his death at the hands of two of his neighbours, both of whom lived several doors down from him in a block of council maisonettes on Capgrave Crescent.

They wrongly suspected Mr Ebrahimi of being a paedophile. On the night of July 14, a court heard, they decided to "take the law into their own hands". Mr Ebrahimi was beaten unconscious, dragged into the street, doused in white spirit and set on fire. (...) But although the murder itself was their work alone, they are far from the only guilty parties.

(...) That such an appalling crime could occur on the streets of Britain in 2013 is disturbing enough. But the fact that it was carried out with the tacit support of so many members of the local community is a shocking indictment of some sections of modern British society.

(...) For many years, Mr Ebrahimi had been the target of malicious gossip and bullying at the hands of his neighbours. "Rumours had been going round for a few years that he was a paedophile," said a man who lived on the floor above the victim after inviting me into his sitting room, away from prying eyes.

"Whenever anybody new moved into the block, people told them to watch out for him. There was a story that he had locked a 14-year-old girl in his house and raped her. But there was never any evidence and it wasn’t true."

Many neighbours did not take part in this abuse. But the fact remains that in all that time, nobody had the courage to intervene.

On July 11 local youths began vandalising Mr Ebrahimi’s flowers. He took photographs of them as evidence and called the police. When officers attended the scene, they were confronted by a group of about 20 neighbours who told them that Mr Ebrahimi was a paedophile and that he had been taking pictures of children.

Officers advised Mr Ebrahimi to go back into his house, but he was determined to stand his ground. He was finally arrested on suspicion of breaching the peace, and taken away while a mob chanted “paedo, paedo”.

That night, Mr Ebrahimi was released without further action. “We can categorically state he had not taken any indecent images and that nothing of concern had been found on his computer,” confirmed a spokesman for Avon and Somerset Police. When Mr Ebrahimi returned home, it was to more taunts and jeers from the neighbours. Two days later, he was dead.

Der Telegraph berichtet ausführlich. Offenbar schienen bei dem Gewaltopfer mehrere Diskriminierungsfaktoren (Männlichkeit und Herkunft aus dem Ausland) intersektionell zusammenzuspielen. Inwiefern derartige Lynchjustiz "ein logisches Produkt jahrzehntelanger Dämonisierung von Männern" darstellt, erklärte vergangenes Jahr der Anti-Gewalt-Berater und -Pädagoge Burkhard Oelemann für Cuncti.

Bei Christian Schmidt diskutiert man heute die im Lager der radikalfeministischen "Emma"-Leserinnen geäußerte Einstellung, dass Sexismus gegen Männer irrelevant, weil folgenlos sei.

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