Mittwoch, Mai 01, 2013

Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn siegreich – Islands Wähler strafen Feministinnen ab

Sowas: Kaum verlinke ich Berichte über feministische Auswüchse in diversen skandinavischen Ländern, schon meldet die Zentrale des internationalen Widerstandes, dass Feministinnen in Island gerade eins auf den Rüssel bekommen haben. Konkret hat demnach folgendes stattgefunden:

On April 27 the Icelandic voting population was called to the ballot box to decide who is going to lead the tiny North-Western European nation for the next 4 years. In the last elections, only 7 parties participated in the competition but now, following a deep financial collapse and strong attempts by the feminists from the leading Green Left Movement (the most vocal party from the leftist coalition that formed the government in 2009) to suppress free speech and attempt to place the Internet under the control of the State, 15 parties participated in the elections, most of them with an euro-skeptic and anti-Statist platform.

Our Icelandic correspondent, Sigurdur Jonsson, predicted on the AVFM Voice of Europe Radio Show at the end of March that the feminist dominated Left Green Movement would be rejected — as the resentment of the population for their "incompetence" was increasing.

It seems he was right.

The party that got the most votes was the libertarian euro-skeptic Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn (The Independence Party) with 26.70% of the votes, translating into 19 seats in the Parliament. Placing second was liberal euro-skeptic Framsóknarflokkurinn (The Progressive Party) with 24.43% of the votes, also resulting 19 seats in the Parliament. Both of the first two parties went through an increase in votes with 3% and respectively 9.63% in comparison with the previous elections. The 3rd and the 4th parties in the final table are the former parties that used to lead the country.

(...) There are also two new parties that have entered into the new Parliament and these are Björt Framtíð (The Bright Future Party – left leaning liberals) and Píratar (The Pirate Party of Iceland) which is basically a party based on the idea that the Internet should remain just like it is now.

Der Autor des verlinkten Artikels sieht in diesem Wahlausgang vor allem eine Niederlage für das feministische Lager in Island:

The spectacular debacle of the Left Green Movement, which is essentially the Feminist Party in Iceland, shows that the overwhelming majority of Icelanders may be veering away from their ideology.

There is no doubt that the debacle of the moderate leftists from the Social Democrats happened for many reasons, but feminism is likely one of them given that feminist ideology has dominated their rhetoric for at least the last 12 months.

Ein ähnliches Debakel habe es für diese Fraktion kürzlich in einem anderen Land Europas gegeben:

In November 2011, the Spaniards cast away the party that gave power to the feminists in an unprecedented debacle for PSOE.

Na dann wollen wir mal hoffen, dass sich dieser Trend auch gesamteuropäisch durchsetzt.

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