Norwegen: Kommt die Wehrpflicht für Frauen?
Die Epoch Times berichtet über eines der Länder, das uns Feministinnen gerne als Vorbild anpreisen:
Norway is considering extending its conscription to women as well as men. This spring, political parties from both left and right have agreed to a proposition for “gender neutral” conscription. This means that women and men will be drafted to military service on an equal basis. The proposition is expected to easily be voted into law in June considering its support in Parliament, though there may be a delay of a couple of years before implementation.
Also endlich echte Gleichberechtigung. Yippie! Moment – wer ist da wieder am Motzen? Die Feministinnen natürlich:
The idea of gender neutral conscription has its critics too. One of them is Torild Skard, chairperson of the Norwegian Association of Women’s Rights. She is doubtful that it would bring increased gender equality. Already, women pull the heavier load when it comes to childbirth, nursing, unpaid care for children, the sick and the elderly, Skard said.
“Adding another burden, like conscription, to this situation, is completely unreasonable, and might instead increase the economic and social inequality between men and women,” she wrote in an official statement. “Instead of increased equality, the result is bigger differences.”
She argues that women may already volunteer for military service on the same terms as men. Conscription is a different matter, as it forces people to do it, whether they want to or not.
So lustig es ist, Feministinnen dabei zuzusehen, wie sie sich winden, sobald Gleichberechtigung einmal nicht zu ihrem Vorteil ausfällt, so falsch finde ich es als liberaler Blogger natürlich, einen staatlichen Zwangsdienst auf beide Geschlechter auszuweiten, statt beide davon zu befreien. Einen ausführlicheren Kommentar findet man im Blog der pazifistischen, antisexistischen Kampagne BASTA.
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