Montag, März 04, 2013

Großbritannien: Richterin des Oberen Gerichts fordert Anonymität von Männern bei Vergewaltigungsprozessen

Die hohe Zahl von Falschbeschuldigungen, wenn es um Vergewaltigung geht, führt inzwischen nicht nur Männerrechtler dazu, bei Prozessen Anonymität für den bezichtigten Mann zu fordern. Auch Maura McGowan, Richterin am britischen High Court of Justice, hat inzwischen diese Forderung erhoben:

Earlier this week, MailOnline reported on Maura McGowan - the deputy High Court judge who recommended that men should be granted pre-conviction anonymity in rape trials.

In a rare example of common sense within British law, the leading figure said that men should have their identity protected unless they are convicted. Quite frankly, I agree.

Only yesterday, MailOnline reported on the case of Sophie Hooper - a 19 year-old woman who maliciously accused an innocent man of rape.

The mother-of-one, who was photographed smirking outside Southampton Crown Court after avoiding a jail sentence, only admitted to fabricating the allegations two months into the police investigation.

Sadly, cases like these are increasingly common.

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