Freitag, Januar 04, 2013

Linke Feministin gibt zu: Feminismus mit schuld an Zusammenbruch der Familien

Die britische Daily Mail berichtet über eine der dienstältesten Politikerinnen der Labour-Partei, Diane Abbott, die in Großbritannien auch als eine der freimütigsten Feministinnen der Linken bekannt ist. Abbott räumt ein, dass die Feministinnen das Thema Familie vernachlässigt hätten (womit sie hierzulande von Thomas Gesterkamp und Co. als "Familienfundamentalistin von rechts" diffamiert werden würde, die "gegen den Feminismus hetzt"). In Großbritannien verläuft die Debatte weniger gaga, und das feministische Lager zeigt tatsächlich erste Ansätze von Selbstkritik:

'Feminism is partly to blame for the breakdown of the family, one of Labour’s most senior female politicians has said.

Diane Abbott, the party’s public health spokesman, said that major issues facing society ‘stem from family breakdown’.

And in a surprise admission from one of the Left’s most outspoken feminists, she conceded that women’s rights campaigners have neglected the family.

(...) Perhaps most surprising, however, is her argument that Left-wingers and feminists should make family breakdown a key battleground rather than leave the issue to Conservatives.

In an interview with The Guardian, she said: ‘Those of us who came of age at the height of feminism had very mixed views about the family, since it seemed to be defined as a heterosexual thing with a certificate, children and mum at home.’

But she said the Left had to recognise that ‘some of the biggest public health issues stem from family breakdown’, explaining: ‘Doctors say to me that so many of the drug and alcohol problems they see stem from family difficulties.’

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